On November 13, a meeting of the working group took place on issues of integration of refugees and persons in need of subsidiary protection into Ukrainian society.
The participants of the meeting were – the deputy chairman of Transcarpathian Regional State Administration Ivan Kachur, the chief specialist of Refugees and Foreigners Department of State Migration Service of Ukraine Tatiana Kas’yan and senior regional adviser on issues of local integration of UNHCR Srechko Noiman.
In the course of the meeting the following problems were discussed: implementation of the plan of actions on integration of the refugees and persons in need of subsidiary protection; estate that can be used for the sale for refugees and persons in need of subsidiary protection; provision with funding of actions on rendering medical aid; Ukrainian language learning by persons that are granted refugee status.
For Transcarpathian border guards problems connected with the refugees have always been topical. Now, Regional Plan on integration of refugees and persons in need of subsidiary protection into Ukrainian society is approved in the oblast, where the tasks of the executors and terms of implementation are clearly defined, – Ivan Kachur stressed.
In general, about 40 governmental establishments, organizations, enterprises, funds as well as Uzhgorod National and Mukachevo State Universities, regional branch of National Institute of Strategic Investigations in Uzhgorod, Regional Representation of UNHCR, its partners at the places were involved in creation of Regional Plan.