Poland will accept a million migrants from Ukraine


Польша ждет украинских гастарбайтеровUkrainians enjoy popularity in being good workers among Polish entrepreneurs. The authorities of neighboring Poland plan to attract additionally 1 million labor migrants from Ukraine, Belarus and Vietnam as they recommended themselves well on the labor market.

“In the years to come Poland will need 1 million labor migrants. We are interested in migrant from three directions: Ukraine, Belarus and Vietnam. These groups of workers showed good results, there are no any problems with them.” – mentioned Kazmerchuk, the President of Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers. He marks that workers from these countries are the most law-abiding and do not arrive just to receive allowances in contrast to the residents from other countries. Also, Kazmerchuk underlined that in accordance with the calculation of Polish government there are about 1 mln Ukrainians working in the country, who integrate into local culture very well. “We do not need to be engaged in their integration, lear language, solve dwelling issues, as they cope with all this well themselves. And Polish government understands it perfectly. We do not wish to accept migrants from the Northern Africa, who, in majority do not work at all”, – he said.

Poland reckons to cover the lack of Polish workers by means of migrants, which aroused due to a series of reasons. The first one – is a low birth rate comprising nowadays 1.3 child per family, so it is required to reach the index of 2.5 child per family. For this purpose Poland introduced a program to support families with two and more children. They get more than 100 euros per month for the second and consequent children. The second problem is that after Poland has entered into European Union about 2 mln employable citizens left the country. Now, Poland works on motivation to return its citizens back to the country. One more problem is that recently pension age has been reduced, which would also have a negative impact in future.

According to Kazmerchuk’s words, if problem of low birth rate is easy to solve within 25 years, the problem of Polish citizens return – during two years, so the process of labor migration will be arranged rather quickly.

Source: http://www.ua-reporter.com/novosti/208193