Since the beginning of the year State Border Service of Ukraine has accepted 428 persons from corresponding structures of European Union. According to this very document Ukrainian side has sent back 29 foreigners to the EU territory who were detained in our state. As experts of State Border Service of Ukraine have prognosticated, Readmission Agreement with EU did not transformed Ukraine into settler for illegal migrants from Asia and Africa. In general during the last years the border guards record persistent tendency of decrease in the number of illegal migrants who are returned to our country by neighboring and also western countries. Thus, in 2009 comparing to 2008, according to bilateral agreements 26% less Ukrainians were passed to our country – 236 persons, 43% less the citizens of CIS – 388 persons and 52% less illegal migrants from countries of Southern-Eastern Asia and Africa – 278 persons.
Among 428 persons that SBS has accepted according to Readmission Agreement with EU there are a few immigrants from Southern-Eastern Asia and Africa as well – less than one fifth. The most quantity of passed persons from EU are Ukrainians (226 persons) and citizens of CIS (123 persons).