Illegal migrants from Georgia and Moldova were caught in Transcarpathian and Odessa regions


Four men stealing to a border onSlovakiawere apprehended in the morning in Transcarpathia. The border detail of Chop Border Detachment noticed some unfamiliar persons in the forest area. As it was established after detention, the detainees were citizens ofGeorgiawho intended to get to EU countries in the search of better life.

InOdessathe border guards of Belgorod-Dnistrovskyi Detachment detained three citizens ofMoldova10 metresbefore the populated area of Krutoyarivka.

For some times last a sufficient decrease in number of trespassers is marked who intend to cross the border illegally. Law enforcement agents of neighbouring countries toUkrainealso registry such a tendency of lessening. During the first six month of 2011 experts of State Border Service fixed in detention of persons of the present category in 2,7 times. In comparison with the last year a change in treatment of trespassers happens as well. Thus, more citizens of CIS countries continue to cross the border. Their part reached 89% from the general amount and only 9% are the citizens from the countries of migration risk. In despite of different forecasts concerning the number of illegal migrants who had to be returned back to Ukraine in accordance with Agreement between EU and Ukraine on Readmission – only 289 persons were accepted during the first half-year border department.
