Woman with a child from Somalia was detained at Uzhgorod railway station


Border guards of BS “Uzhgorod” detected three illegal migrants just in one day. In the frames of operative-prevention measures on counteraction of illegal migration the district inspector of Border Service together with policemen detained one citizen of Georgia without documents. The man was in a controlled border area without documents identifying him and confirming the legality of his stay on the territory of Ukraine.

The same day another border detail of the same BS together with workers of AMOI apprehended a citizen of Somalia with under age child at the railway station. The woman had only a document on appeal to the court, the term of which expired in July of the current year, i.e. this person by her actions violated the order of PKMU № 1074 dated from 29.05.1995.

The citizen of Georgia and citizen of Somalia were detained in accordance with Item 1 Article 203 of CCU, namely inobservance of determined order of stay on the territory of Ukraine by foreign citizens.

Source: http://ua-reporter.com/novosti/107462