About 7 % of applicants received refugee status in Ukraine


Ukraine is not a safe country for all refugees – UNO

Every year 1500 to 2000 persons apply for refugee status in Ukraine, and it is granted to only about 7% out of this number. This information was presented by director of Refugee and Foreigner Department, Nataliya Naumenko.

According to her words, more people arrive from countries of Asia and Africa – Pakistan, Somalia, Iran, Iraq.

“We do not have any limits on this point. Everything is individually and depends on the very refugee, his\her  arguments about impossibility to reside in the country of his\her origin”, – Naumenko reported.

She also marked that last year a wide scale  programme was adopted “Integration Plan of refugees for the period up to 2020”. It contains legislation amendments, development of additional  TACs, medical services, language courses, etc.  According to additional statistics, in the course of the last year 35 000 to 40 000 migrants arrived to Ukraine. Two centers for refugees are used for their accommodation – in Mukachevo and Odessa.

Source: http://www.ua-reporter.com/novosti/137052