Transcarpathian deputies have analyzed practical aspects of legislation on refugees


On October 1-2, two-day meeting of Committee of Supreme Council of Ukraine on problems of human rights, national minorities and international relations was hold in Transcarpathia. The subject of discussion was issues of the state of right promotion of national minorities in Transcarpathia and practice of apply of legislation of Ukraine about refugees and persons in need of subsidiary or temporary protection in western border region. The participants of the meeting were the head assistant of Supreme Council of Ukraine, Ruslan Koshulynskyi, national deputies of Ukraine – members of the Committee, diplomats, representatives of bodies of executive power, local self-government, representatives of national and cultural communities. There was also the chief of work organization of TACs for refugees and other categories of migrants of SMS of Ukraine and chief of Chief Department of SMS of Ukraine in Transcarpathian oblast, Igor Mykhailyshyn. Speech of welcome to the participants of the event was presented by the chief of Regional State Administration Oleksandr Ledyda and the chief of Regional Council Ivan Baloha. It was also marked that the representatives of more than hundred nationalities had lived in peace and harmony in the oblast in the course of many centuries, so Transcarpathia had a sufficient experience in realization of state policy in the field of international relations, apply of legislation of Ukraine about refugees and persons in need of subsidiary or temporary protection. The same thing was mentioned by the head of the Committee, Valeriy Patskan motivating decision on conducting the visiting meeting namely in Transcarpathia. The members of Committee  of Supreme Council of Ukraine on problems of human rights, national minorities and international relations visited also Temporary Holding Centre for refugees in the oblast. National deputies became acquainted with infrastructure of the establishment, communicated with its residents. Asylum seekers shared their problems. The problem on official workplace search is one of the most important constituents in the process of integration. For Syrian Mustafa Diara, studying well at school, the actual problem is to receive higher education. The chief of the Committee promised the boy to assist in realization of his striving into reality. In conclusion, Valeriy Patskan thanked the chief of Migration Service of the oblast, Igor Mykhailyshyn for support in organization of visiting meeting of profile Committee of Supreme Council of Ukraine.
