The first 40 Ukrainian Czechs will arrive to Czech Republic by the special governmental flight on March 15, 2015. The next group of displaced persons of Czech origin is coming by buses. The Czech Republic will accept the first wave in about 135 persons.
It was informed by the Minister of Interior of CR Milan Khovanets. Mission on resettlement of the ethnic Czechs from the territory of Ukraine was named ad “Odessa”. Its purpose is a return to the historical homeland of the population with Czech roots and their provision with more worth life conditions. Immediately after the arrival, the displaced persons will be provided with the temporary housing belonging to the Ministry of Interior.
All arrived repatriates Czech authorities will grant to all arrived repatriates the free dwelling for the term of 6-12 months, single payment in the amount of 50 thousand koruna for adults and 20 thousand koruna for minors, counseling on employment. Altogether, the government intends to pay about 188 thousand koruna for assistance to one country fellow.