Cabinet of Ministers proposes to decree a new editing of law “About legal status of foreigners and persons without citizenship”. Corresponding project was approved at the meeting on May 25, 2011.
On one hand, edition of the Law of Ukraine “About legal status of foreigners and persons without citizenship” is directed upon the elimination of collusions between the regulations of the present Law of Ukraine “About legal status of foreigners and persons without citizenship” and the regulations of Constitution of Ukraine on the other hand as well as between the regulations of this Law and regulations of international agreements in the filed of human rights participant of which Ukraine is the participant.
New edition of the law proposes to specify legal status of foreigners and persons without citizenship staying in Ukraine, to regulate a question on their entry to Ukraine and exit of Ukraine, establish the grounds and order of their detention and compulsory expel from the territory of Ukraine in accordance with Part II of Constitution of Ukraine “Rights, freedoms and obligations of the human and citizen”.
For the first time, a question is regulated on voluntary return of foreigners and persons without citizenship forfeiting the grounds on staying on the territory of Ukraine. Problems of return, compulsory expel and detention of the foreigners and persons without citizenship, extradition and transmission are also proposed to be regulated. Project foresees to determine the order of compensation of expenses connected with expel of the foreigners and persons without citizenship. Project will regulate the problems connected with realization of international agreements on readmission.
Besides, in connection with a cancellation of procedure on obligatory accreditation of foreign correspondents and representatives of foreign Mass Media, grounds are specified in the project as to temporary residence on the territory of Ukraine by foreigners and persons without citizenship for working as a correspondent or representatives of foreign Mass Media, in such cases it specifies the grounds for issuing a certificate for temporary residence.
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine within six months from the date of enactment of the law should bring its regulations into conformity with it.