Seminar for the participants of Short Film Competition on migration subject took place in Uzhgorod


Charity OrganizationMedical Aid Committee in Zakarpattyaand Cinema Workshop Cinemahall conducted seminar in Uzhgorod at the participation of human rights activists and artists of cinema and photography. At a first sight, organizers managed to combine such different subjects initiating the IInd Short Film Competition “Migration – an attempt to flee or right for better life?”. The very seminar-training was organized for the participants of the Competition and those who are interested in problems of human rights, art of photography and cinema.

The goal the Competition is to draw attention to the processes that are new for Ukrainian society. They are connected with integration changes taking place in the whole world and during the last years they influence also upon the events in Ukraine. It is said about existence of flows of migrants and refugees and is closely connected with them problems of immigration and integration, racism and xenophobia, tolerance and toleration.

The training has manifested a general interest of creative youth to similar projects: there were more than 50 participants, out of which youth was in majority. Mainly these were cinematographers, photographers, lawyers, journalist, teachers and students. There were also discussions and numerous questions as well as various sincere impressions. And it is not surprising as all reporters and trainers presented interesting material. Coordinator of the Project “No Borders” Maksym Butkevych and legal adviser of Hungarian Helsinki Committee Zoltan Somogyvari reported about the human rights and problems connected with them. Photographer and documentary film maker Oleksandr Glyadelov demonstrated on the example of documental photography how can be creation combined with opening of serious human problems. Theatre and cinema actor Yuriy Karabak spoke about film creation, its important components and mutual work of actor and stage-director.

Additional surprise of the seminar became meeting with migrants from Sri Lanka and Somalia, who entertained at tea brought from their motherland.

Concerning the very Short Film Competition – it lasts from October 15 to December 30, 2012. Its goal is to support creative initiatives of youth and attract attention of young people to the problems of migration, racism and xenophobia, join the prevention of negative social phenomena in youth surrounding. All interested people can take part in the Competition preparing video-work in accordance with the terms of the Competition and sending it to organizers (see details at the web page The winner of the Competition will get a pass to International Film Festival, the first places in each category will receive reward.
