“Hungary does not need any economic migrants and it has not to become a target country for them”, – it was stated by the State Secretary of Ministry of Interior Karoy Kontrat, calling to national consensus on this issue.
Addressing to the Parliament at the hearings on this issue initiated by the ruling Party “Fides”, Kontrat marked that Hungary could not take such a burden. He stated that increase in the number of illegal migrants for the last years.
Kontrat reports that part of them are not the real refugees, as they arrive from the countries, where there is no any war and they do not expose to any pursuit.
Currently, Hungary is a transit country for migrants, however, soon it may become the principal target if no effective decision will be made to regulate the wave of the refugees from Kosovo.
Kontrat provided with the data concerning the detention of 30 436 illegal migrants by Hungary Police since the beginning of the year, 25468 of them arrived from Kosovo.
In the year 2014, the half number of persons seeking asylum, 21 000 persons were from Kosovo and 20% (more than 8700) – the citizens of Afghanistan. The majority of the migrants arrive from the crisis zones such as Syria and Somalia.
Kontrat regards that EU shall adopt strict measures concerning immigration policy, asserting that the present rules “are weak and they may be abused”.
In 2014 Hungary spent 2.6 billion forints for foreigners’ registration (in 2012 – 1.1 billion forint).