Agreement with EU on Readmission will come into force in a month according to which Ukraine is obliged to accept and deport about 2 thousand illegal migrants a year for its expenses. It is said about those migrants who escaped to Europe from Africa, Asia and other not very successful regions through Ukraine. Experts beforehand about the fact that state is not ready to shelter the army of refugees neither technically (there are no enough places for keeping the illegal migrants) nor financially (in order to keep one illegal migrant 1000 UAH should be spent a moth). Deportation of uninvited guests to their motherland will cost to Ukraine € 1000 per each), whereas only this year 3 million UAH was spent from the budget. This sum could be used for deportation of 400 illegal migrants.
BORDER GUARDS. Border guards do not believe in the mass flow of illegal migrants after New Year. The illegal migrants are kept up to 10 days till their identification in the detachments. “There are much less migrants now because Ukrainian border is guarded better”, – the head of the press-service of Western Administration of Border Service Vladimir Sheremeta says. According to his words each border detachment on the western border has detention centre for 20-30 illegal migrants and in Chop Detachment – for 44. “These are the premises with a toilet, laundry, autonomous heating, a doctor and a dinning room”, – Sheremeta says. Border guards suppose that they will not have the free places for all refugees. The maintenance of one refugee is 25-30 UAH a day (about 1000 UAH per month, whereas the average pension in the country comprises 680 UAH). In 10 days the migrants are transported to the camps for the refugees, there are only two ones – in Chernihiv and Volyn. About 400 refugees can live there up to 6 months. Where should the rest people be taken? 7 such centres are planned to be constructed in Ukraine to accept refugees: in Crimean, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Transcarpathian and Khmelnytsk regions.
FEAR. However, local people protest, particularly in Transcarpathian and Lviv regions. “I do not want to have illegal migrants as neighbors who have such exotic diseases”, – Galyna, local resident of Lviv region is exasperated, where the settling for the refugees is planned to be built instead of a former palace of Badeni (till the present moment a military unit was there). “Today they want to make a settling for the refugees in Brody, and tomorrow – in other cities and villages. Public tranquility can be broken down by uninvited guests. We agreed to shackling agreement on readmission in exchange for simplification of visa regime with EU, however it is still not very easy for Ukrainians to get visa to Europe, and in consulates we are still considered as people of the third sort”, – deputy of Lviv Regional Council Iryna Sekh is protesting.
FOR AGREEMENT ABOLISHMENT. The head of HA MIA of Crime, people’s deputy Henadiy Moskal considers that Ukraine should annul Agreement on Readmission. According to his words, at first EU will evict those refugees having neither job nor citizenship: “EU gives each Ukrainian private waiter, barman and dishwasher not because of big care. Where should Ukraine take means and working places to keep this army of migrants? EU strengthens its borders, perspectives on accept of Ukraine to EU were moved aside, and there is no still visa-free regime.