International trainings “Black Sea Hawk -2010” are prepared in Ukraine


A meeting of the Working group on training preparation “Black Sea Hawk-2010” has started in Administration of State Border Service of Ukraine. In the course of the meeting the experts of coast guards of Bulgaria, Georgia, Russia, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine have discussed the plan of operation, term of its realization, forces and means that will be involved. The participators will also negotiate the order of information exchange and organization of communication during the trainings implementation. This year the coordination role in trainings planning “Black Sea Hawk” is put upon Ukraine as a country that is on the head of the Black Sea Cooperation Forum. This Forum unites coast (sea) guards of Black Sea countries. It favors joint cooperation of law enforcement agents, security of navigation in the Black Sea, contraband counteraction, poaching and other unlawful activity in the area of water.  
