Citizen of Turkey arrived flying to Crimea with forged passport


A man was detained in the airport of Simferopol who flied to Ukraine with forged documents. For the passport control the passenger of the flight form Istanbul presented special passport of 40-year-old citizen of Turkey and in order to dissipate doubts of the border guards he also showed identification card issued for the same name. During the thorough check of the passport with the help of border control devices “Dixi 01 M” it was established that document was completely false. Soon, real documents of the foreigner were found among the stuff of the traveller by the workers of the check point.

In fact, the violator was 37-year-old citizen of Turkey. It was cleared out previously that with the help of forged special passport he wanted to get to Italy. He presented forged passport to Ukrainian law enforcement agents hoping they would not notice changes and would put necessary marks which, on Turk’s opinion, should make easier the crossing of the border in the future.

At the present moment administrative protocol has been drawn up for illegal cross of the state border of Ukraine. a question is solved as to raise criminal case for using forged document.
