SSU in Chernivtsi region instituted criminal proceeding against six local residents who were assisting illegal migrants to cross the state border.
As it said in the statement of SSU Administration in Chernivtsi region, the workers of the service unmasked and stopped unlawful activity of some citizens of Ukraine who intended illegally to transport abroad migrants from the countries of Asia. Three local inhabitants taking occasion of knowing the locality and routes of border guards’ patrolling transported two citizens of India to a border zone by their own car at night. Illegal migrants were given corresponding instructions on crossing Ukrainian-Romanian border. Illegal migrants were detained by the officers of SSU together with border guards during their trial to cross the border. Afterwards organizers of the crime were arrested as well. A criminal case is commenced as to the Article 2 Part 332 (illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine) of Criminal Code of Ukraine concerning the members of the group. The malefactors are threatened with the imprisonment for the term of 3 to 7 years. Investigation is completed, the case is passed over to the court.
Three more criminal cases concerning other three citizens of Ukraine are commenced and investigated by the officers of SSU in Chernivtsi region according to the signs of crimes foreseen by the Article 1 Part 332 of Criminal Code of Ukraine on the facts of smuggle of nine persons beyond the check points to Romania. Investigation goes on.