There are 2 522 refugees in Ukraine: NGOs call for help


As of January 1, 2011 there were 2522 persons granted refugee status in accordance with data of UNHCR. 2844 persons more are waiting for the refugee status granting. It was announced by Nataliya Gurzhiy, member of Ukrainian Refugee Council.

– It is very vulnerable category of people that cannot help themselves. They do not have dwelling, money to buy things of first necessity, – Marina Kurochkina told, lawyer of Public Organization “Odessa centre of Young Lawyers”. She reported that namely non-governmental organizations are involved in solution of refugees’ problems.

According to her words border services do not always provide refugees with access, however they do not have a right to act in such a way. There are special centers for refugees in Ukraine but they are few and they are accounted for a little number of persons in comparison to real needs. For example, 250 persons can reside in such establishment in Odessa building of which was funded by international organizations. As Marina Kurochkina stated – there is one more problem – absence of documents. It is connected with present problems in Ukrainian legislation. Thus, refugees do not have a right for free of charge medicine which they need very much. They also can be detained by law enforcement agents. When a person is granted refugee status government pays him/her one-time allowance – 17 UAH.

Nataliya Dulneva, member of PO “Human rights have no borders” stated that in the year 2010 – 19 persons applied for refugee status in Lvov region, this year – 7. In 2010-2011 only 2 persons were granted such a status. Since 1996 just 191 persons were given refugee status, and 21 of them have already changed it i.e. moved abroad or became citizens of Ukraine. Besides, she marked that border service did al in their power in order not to monitor their work concerning this very point.

– Lately, attitude to refugees from certain countries has changed. Once we were proud of Russian journalist being granted with a refugee’s status, but now situation has changed. Now confidential instructions are given not to grant status to people from Chechnya”, – declared Nataliya Dulneva and added that she was herself a witness when a person was not just refused to accept application and he was hardly arrested.                  
