Press-conference took place in Uzhgorod devoted to presentation of high prize to Charitable Organization “Medical Aid Committee”– International Prize “Open Borders”.
Swiss Human Rights Prize “Open Borders” is awarded to persons or groups that actively work in the field of rights protection of refugees, migrants, socially unprotected groups of population and minorities.
The Prize (in the sum € 10 thousand) was presented by Hannes Kaizer, representative of Association “Circle of friends of Cornelius Koch” to director of “Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya” Nataliya Kabatsiy.
Ambassador of Switzerland in Ukraine Christian Schoenenberger participated in the press-conference. He has informed about his agreement on establishment of bilateral relations between Switzerland and Transcarpathia during the meeting with the head of Transcarpathian Regional State Administration, Oleksandr Ledyda and head of Transcarpathian Regional Council, Ivan Baloha.
Natalia Kabatsiy told: “It is rather difficult to find motivation and courage in every day work. We have been working for already 12 years so we are pleased to get a prize in the field of human rights protection. Already the second year we are engaged in activities on prevention of xenophobia and racism in Transcarpathia. Our region is a tolerate area. Today we have migration flow, thus we need react upon it correspondingly – in human way.”
Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya renders medical, social and sanitary aid. Concerning the organization, numerous programs in the field of support of solidarity and assistance to sick and need persons were realized, centre “Parasolka” was created and opened for people with limited abilities (Tyachiv), educational work, help refugees and asylum seekers in Ukraine is implemented.
Organization was found by Ukrainian staff of French Ukrainian Humanitarian Association “Medical Aid Committee” with the aim to realize programs in Ukraine. Since March 2000, CO “MACZ” acts as independent charitable organization. In April 2006, CO “MACZ” was awarded Prize of French Government for the contribution into development of Vilshany Children Orphanage and assistance to handicapped children. Nowadays, Committee realizes its activity in three directions: human rights, social protection and health care.
CO “MACZ” organizes the meetings for youth of the area with interesting personalities, which will take place on April 5, 2012. See details at the website of Charity Organization “Meidcal Aid Committee in Zakarpattya” www.cam-z.org, – Uzhgorod press-club informs.