Feast day will be arranged for children-refugees


On Thursday, July 5, press tour of Uzhgorod press-club will take place at Temporary Holding Facility in Mukachevo, Transcarpathian region at 10 a.m..  

At 11.00 a.m. celebration of Refugee Day will start at Temporary Holding Facility, which is officially celebrated on July 20.

The programme of celebration is prepared specially for children-refugees staying at the centre today. Interactive games together with Transcarpathian children will be arranged by theatre-studio “Chiga-Biga”. The programme will include origami, body art, walls painting, dances, games and soap bubble show. In addition, there will be concert of theatre-studio “Chiga-Biga” and clown eccentric band “Figlish-M”.

Source: http://zaholovok.com.ua/dlya-ditei-bizhentsiv-vlashtuyut-svyato