Smuggler was condemned to 4 years of imprisonment in Transcarpathia


Sentence of Uzhgorod Municipal Court has come into force concerning the organizer of illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine, 30-year-old inhabitant of Uzhgorod, native of Armenia and his accomplices. 

It was established that 30-year-old unemployed resident of Uzhgorod organized illegal transportation of Somali citizens through the state border of Ukraine to EU. On this purpose, he formed an organized grouping including also three citizens of Armenia and two local inhabitants. The members of the grouping implementing instructions of the organizer planned beforehand so-called safe routes of smuggling of illegal migrants from Lviv region to Uzhgorod hiding them temporarily at their accomplice’s house. From there Somalis were secretly taken to V.Bereznyi district nearby Ukrainian-Slovakian border and smuggled illegal migrants to the countries of European Union. During the short month of their activity, malefactors smuggled 9 Somalis through the state border.

In September 2010, law enforcement agents detained one of the members of the grouping, 28-year-old local resident and 58-year-old Armenian woman (the owner of this house) in Uzhgorod at the address of temporary concealing of illegal migrants.

SSU inspectors commenced a case against the organizer and his five accomplices in accordance with Part 3 Article 28 (crime commitment by the group of persons by prior conspiracy organized by the group or criminal grouping) and Part 2 Article 332 (illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine) of Criminal Code of Ukraine

Uzhgorod Municipal Court recognized figurants of this case to be guilty. Organizer of criminal grouping was appointed punishment in the form of imprisonment for the term of 4 years, his accomplices were also condemned to different periods of imprisonment.

One of the members of criminal grouping, 33-year-old citizen of Armenia, being during the trial of the criminal case being on a subscription house arrest succeeded to escape. He has been wanted since 2011.
