On November 25, in the course of the visit of SMS delegation to Geneva, Swiss Confederation the first deputy chairman of SMS of Ukraine, Viktor Sheibut met the General Director of IOM, Viliam Leisi Sving at the 103th Session of the Council of International Organization on Migration. Mrs. Laura Tomphson also took part in the meeting.
During the meeting the Parties discussed the migration situation in Ukraine and general directions in cooperation of SMS with so important international institute as IOM. The attention was paid to discussion of the principle challenges defined for Ukraine in migration sphere as well as the problems of readmission and simplification of visa regimen.
The General Director of IOM had sincerely greeted the creation of the body in Ukraine responsible for migration issues pointing out complicated tasks put before SMS at the modern stage of its development. The General Director of IOM attached special importance to this context concerning the creation of legislation base in management of migration processes.
Ukrainian party stressed the fact that IOM is the most reliable partner in the realization of the common goals in consolidation of democratic values in Ukraine and high standards of human rights protection. The active direction of IOM Representation in Ukraine was emphasized as to cooperation development with SMS.
Viktor Sheibut also mentioned about successful realization of IOM project “Support of introduction of Readmission Agreements between European Union and Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine: assistance in rendering aid in voluntary return and reintegration (SIREADA)” and start of the new IOM project “Management strengthening in migration processes and cooperation on readmission issues in the Eastern Europe (MIGRECO)”.
In the course of the meeting the first deputy chairman of SMS of Ukraine expressed his confidence in the presence of so many problems necessary to be solved jointly applying the best worked practices and experience in the activity of other countries in the sphere of migration and stressed upon the fact that namely IOM is extremely important instrument, which in the context of the tendencies of migration processes and will go on implementing its role in its regulation and assist in development of joint cooperation of the states and international organization in migration sphere.
In its turn, William Leisi Sving assured that IOM will for the future provide assistance in development of Ukrainian SMS potential. He accepted the invitation with pleasure to make a visit to Ukraine and expressed his readiness to realize it in 2014.
The meeting became the important event in development of mutually profitable cooperation of IOM and SMS of Ukraine.