The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Transcarpathian oblast approved and directed indictment to the court as to accuse of the organizer in illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine (Part 3 Article 332 of CC off Ukraine).
TheinquestestablishedthatinthecourseofMarch-Aprilofthelastyear, aman, beingpreviouslyconvicted, organizedillegaltransportationofthreegroupsofpersonstogetherwiththreeotherpersonsthrough the border of Ukraine to Slovakian Republic.
There were the citizens of Syria, Georgia, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan among the migrants. The fact was established that altogether 16 persons were smuggled including one minor child.
The smuggler of illegal migrants was detained by SSU officers in Transcarpathian oblast upon a petition of Public Prosecutor’s Office, the court have made a decision on measure of restraint to imprison him with liquidation of cash collateral – more than 150 000 UAH.
Paying the indicated sum, the suspected got abroad not keeping any corresponding obligations, thus he was put on the wanted list.
The organizer was found in Moldova and extradited to Ukraine.
Considering that other violators are still in the search, materials of the criminal case on suspicion namely the organizer of illegal transportation were severed to separate proceeding completed and directed with indictment to the court.
Thesumofcashcollateral ismorethan 150 000 UAHisalready inverted to the state revenue.
So far, the person on trial awaits for the court at Pre-trial detention center. For commitment of indicated crime, the Crime Code of Ukraine defines the punishment in the form of imprisonment up to 9 years.