More than two million people escaped war in the East of Ukraine


thumb_news_20150305_122639_1425551199UNO Refugee Agency marks complicated situation in Ukraine because of the events in the east of the country and people’s state, which are forced to leave their homes.

“There is one million forty thousand internally displaced persons. Not all of them register in the region”, – it was reported by Vencent Koshtel at the meeting of the Committee on European Parliament Development of UNO Refugee Agency.

According to his words, unwillingness of military aged males to serve as well as lack of information about the registration rules are among the reasons of non-registration. Koshtel marked that about a half of displaced persons are ready to return back to the places of permanent residence when war actions will finish.

About three hundred thousand Ukrainians were granted temporary asylum in Russia or refugee status – it was stated by the first deputy head of FMS of Russia, Ekaterina Egorova.

“300 thousand are persons getting temporary residence and refugee status беженца”, – she said.

Altogether, there is about a million of Ukrainian citizens arrived in “emergency order” due to the conflict in the south-east of the country.
