Decision of Cabinet of Ministers dated from May 18, 2011 №514 approved the Order specifying the mechanism of costs use foreseen in a state budget as to the programme “Rendering help to refugees”. The chief manager of budget costs is MOI. State Migration Service of Ukraine is recognized as responsible executor of budget programme.
Budget costs will be directed upon the creation and maintenance of detention centers for refugees, especially for the salary payment of the staff, conditions forming for refugees’ stay (purchase of food, linen, things of first necessity, goods of cultural-social and economic purpose), payment of communal services, connection services connected with the guards and keep of vehicles, as well as carrying out of work on building and reconstruction of the centers.
Budget costs also will be spent on centralized accounting of persons applied for refugee status, creation of corresponding centralized system and ensuring with its functioning; rendering monetary aid to refugees; production of documents identifying the personality of a refugee; provision with translation of refugees’ applications and information about the country of their origin.