The number of arrived to Ukraine increases in 1.2 thousand daily exceeding the quantity of departing persons.
The amount of refugees coming back to Ukraine from Russia has raised, it was announced by channel 112 with reference to OSCE Report.
“The average number of entries / exits (cross of the border at the check points of Donetsk and Gukovo) has increased from 7 822 per day on the previous week to 9 420 per day at both check points for the current reporting period. Themajorityofpeoplecontinuecrossingthe border on Russian Federation to Ukraine. The number of persons crossing the border Ukraine exceeds the number of those leaving the country in about 1 238 persons a day for both check points and 8 665 persons have returned to Ukraine trough both check points for a week” – it was said in the report.
The biggest flow of people is observed at the check point of Donetsk. Thesituationatbothcheckpointsis evaluated by the observers as quite.
It is marked that refugees assess the situation in Donbass as complicate and fear of resumption of active fighting. As it was reported by Correspondent.net, before the head of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RF Sergey Lavrov stated that the number of Ukrainian refugees to Russian was more than 775 thousand.