Illegal migrants from Georgia were detained in Uzhgorod nearby the border on Slovakia


thumb_news_20150305_122639_1425551199In the course of realization of a set of covert activities, the border guards of BS “Uzhgorod” detained two migrants from the Caucasian region intending to get illegally to Slovakia.

The appearance of two persons of Caucasian look moving towards the border was established beforehand by the border guards, and when it was left 500 m to reach the cherished border they were detained. The men did not have any documents explaining that they were the citizens of Georgia and aiming at searching the job and better life conditions they planned to get to Germany.

They arrived to Ukraine in legal way, the route to Slovakia beyond the check point “Uzhgorod” they assigned by the service Google maps yet staying in the country of origin.

In the course of the verification of corresponding data bases, the legality of men’s stay on the territory of Ukraine was confirmed. Their personalities are established. After drawing up administrative and procedural documents, the violators will be delivered to the court that defines their further destiny.
