Already two weeks the regulations of the Law of Ukraine “About enlist to some legislation acts of Ukraine concerning migration issues” have been active. This document has also increased responsibility for the cross of the state border of Ukraine. In accordance with new standards illegal cross or attempt to cross it illegally will cost to a trespasser rather expensive. For example, just last week four Tadzhiks were detained in Kharkiv region – passengers of the train “Vailuky-Topoli” who were traveling from Russia to Ukraine without corresponding documents. Each of these foreigners was adjudged a penalty in the sum of 3400 UAH, after that they were returned back to Russia. Before penalty comprised from 1700 to 3400 UAH for the border cross by the group of persons, so after May 5 this sum became from 3400 up to 8500 UAH.
Innovations have also substantially extended administrative responsibility for the violation of the rules on foreigner’s stay on the territory of Ukraine as well as for illegal transportation of the foreigners and persons without citizenship along the territory of Ukraine. Besides, the more inflexible became criminal responsibility for smuggling persons through the state border and its organization. According to new legislation the level of responsibility for this break increases if it is committed in a way dangerous for life or health of the person that is smuggled illegally through the border or as to some persons as well as the infringement is done by organized grouping using the service state or sordid animus.
Source: http://pvu.gov.ua/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=112512&cat_id=62916