During his last visit to Transcarpathia, Minister of Internal affairs of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko complaining on the regional power that it does not give premises for bringing in additional number of interior troops said such a phrase: “We have a plan to get one of the military unit which is not used by Ministry of Defense in order to build camp for illegal migrants (meaning one in Transcarpathian region).
Taking into account that last year regional power finally achieved the closing of temporary accommodation centre for foreigners “Pavshyno” so such a statement of Minister alerted at once. Will a new temporary accommodation centre for illegal migrants be built in Transcarpathia?
Authorities of Transcarpathia do not hide disturbance, because these are not just the words – Yuriy Lutsenko undertakes concrete steps to make Transcarpathia again the settling of illegal migrants. In Kyiv, on the level of ministries – Internal Affairs and Defense – there are negotiations on transmission of military town nearby the village Dercen, Mukachevo district to make it temporary accommodation centre of illegal migrants. Thus, Transcarpathian Regional State Administration (RSA) is not informed about it and it is not asked about its opinion on this point.
At one time RSA occupied categorical position concerning the temporary accommodation centre “Pavshyno” – such an establishment can not be in the region because Transcarpathia borders on four countries of European Union. Disposition of temporary accommodation centre for illegal migrants only favours the increase of the migrants’ flow. After “Pavshyno” closing the number of attempts to cross the state border illegally decreased in the region, according to statistics for the period of 9 months 2009 979 illegal migrants were detained on the territory of Chop and Mukachevo Border Detachments and comparing the analogous period of the last year – this number comprises 1990. It is about half less!
The region tried to obtain the closing of “Pavshyno” and finally in the year 2008 this great temporary accommodation centre in Ukraine was closed. Certainly, special units are left attached to Border Detachments where detained illegal migrants are temporarily kept. They are quite enough: illegal migrants stay here for 10 days and then they are sent to specialized establishment in Volyn and Chernihiv. Mow minister wants again to create a new temporary accommodation centre in Transcarpathia. There is a suggestion – why it should be exactly in Dercen? In autumn 2001 Gennadiy Moskal being the chairman of Transcarpathian Regional State Administration had already made an attempt to create such a centre here. At that time he did not succeed to realize project because of sharp resistance of public. Now Transcarpathia obviously tends to make such a kind of “present” for the local residents together with the minister. They even had not an idea to reconstruct this military town for the flats for the military men and policemen. But the position of regional power is not changeable – it will not permit to build in the region a new temporary accommodation centre for illegal migrants. And in this sense it is supported by the local people of Transcarpathia.