HAMIA of Ukraine in Cherkasy region carries out work on detection and liquidation of stable channels of illegal migration, on making responsible their organizers and persons who favour illegal migrants’ penetration to Ukraine and their transit movement along the territory of Ukraine.
The policemen detected on the territory of the region 30 trespassers who are the citizens of other states.
Three tradesmen from Azerbaijan were selling goods without corresponding document, one resident of Uzbekistan and one citizen of Armenia were working at the markets of the town Cherkasy. In the course of the check-up carried out by law enforcement agents, they started to behave themselves as if they wished to buy something. Then these dealers tried to hide in the crowd even leaving their goods without control. Later they were detained.
The policemen also made responsible 19-year-old girl from Azerbaijan for prostitution in the town of Cherkasy. A decision was made to expel her from the country.
In the town of Zolotonosha two citizens of Armenia, one citizen of Uzbekistan and also one resident of Belarus, one migrant from Russia were detained for illegal stay at the territory of Ukraine. In the town of Kaniv for similar breaking of the law administrative documents were compiled according to two citizens of Armenia.
The workers of Drabiv Department of SMVI apprehended one citizen of Russia who illegally stayed on the territory of Ukraine and administrative protocol was issued on that point.
Illegal migrant from Russia was caught in the town of Uman, and at one of the motor ways – illegal migrant from Azerbaijan.
For giving the foreigners the living place providing them with no registration on the territory of Ukraine in specified order the law enforcement agent issued a protocol against the citizen of the village Petropavlivka, Gorodysche district.