Illegal migrants were strolling in the forest five hours at25 degrees frost


Two groups of illegal migrants were apprehended in Lviv region. At about 3 a.m. detail of BS “Grushiv” detected four unfamiliar persons with rucksacks who were moving towards the village Nemyriv and came out from the forest to the road. Less than three kilometer left to Polish border. The travelers were citizens of Turkey of the age from 21 to 47 years old. They were tired and suffered very much of cold because the temperature of air at that moment comprised 12 degrees below zero and foreigners confessed that they were travelling already five hours.

Detainees were delivered to TDC of Lviv Detachment of SBSU. As it was established all of them arrived to Ukraine legally at different time. Deciding to look for income in the countries of European Union they started their way to the border on Poland. They chose the routes themselves. They reached the border area by taxi pointing a taxi driver the place they need on the map. Hurrying up to the forest illegal migrants were sure that they go to Poland, however they got lost and soon were detained.

Two more foreigners, citizens of Armenia, were detained at the bus station of the town Rava-Ruska when they got out of the bus. They had a map where pointer was drawn marking the route to Poland. Violators confessed that they were going to France to get a job.

It is worth while mentioning that foreigners trying to cross illegally Ukrainian border in winter period (especially in mountain and forest areas) turn out to be suffered from trespassers. There were cases when illegal migrants died from overcooling or needed serious medical help. In this connection State Border Service of Ukraine warns foreigners from similar actions.  
