In the check point “Yagodyn” (Volyn region) illegal migrant was apprehended who was going to Poland with forged documents. The passenger of the train “Kyiv-Warsaw” showed special passport of the citizen of Turkey where another photo was glued and date of birth was corrected. Detecting the forgery the officers of State Border Service invited violator to a service room.
Detained person was 36-year-old citizen of Turkey, Kurd by nationality. His personality was succeeded to establish due to real document – identification card of interior use that was hided in the shoes. According to the words of illegal migrant, he was travelling to Warsaw to his brother, who was married with the citizen of Poland. On this purpose he bought forged passport and identification card for the same name from an unfamiliar man in Istanbul paying for this $ 1200.
Source: http://pvu.gov.ua/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=101298&cat_id=48886