UNO will check how Ukraine holds refugees

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is concerned about the situation with refugees, who are at TAC in Volyn and Chernigiv regions. It was announced at Regional Representation of UNHCR in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.
«Situation leaves to be problematic regardless of several visits of UNHCR staff and officials. Aiming at clearing out the situation, there are some planned additional visits next week, which will include the communication with detainees», – it is said in the statement.
According to information of Representation, there are more than 100 persons protesting against their detention and affirm that they are refused in opportunity to exercise the right to submit application on refugee status granting.
«Some persons are sentenced to one year of imprisonment for the attempt to cross the state border without proper documents, they protest against freedom limitation, they threaten to resort more determined forms of protest. Some of them assert that they are minors without accompaniment, migrants from Somalia, who in accordance with international and Ukrainian standards deserve special attention”, – it was reported in Representation.
At present moment, UNHCR is not able to check all information, which office goes on receiving. “It becomes unclear why so many persons telling that they are minors and are supposed to be adults by the authorities, as Ministry of Health Care has just recently started elaboration of the procedure on age evaluation. The determination of the real age and sometimes personality identification is rather complicated task in any situation. Thus, UNHCR expresses its readiness to assist authorities in solution of present problems with the help of the most admissible way”, – it is said in the statement.
According to existing information in UNHCR, there are some Afghan families with children in TAC “Volynskyi”. “It means that children of school age are left without access to education during six months”, – the Representation of NHCR marks.
UNHCR also expressed special disturbance concerning the last information received on January 30 about the action of police as to detainees in TAC.
«UNHCR checks various statements already received as well as expects information from two members of Commission on Torture Prevention and staff of State Migration Service that today are in the process of investigating at the place and must communicate with detainees”, – it is reported in the statement.
