Border guards of Mohyliv-Podilskyi detachment took “lime” Frenchman out of the train


«Lime» citizen of France was detected in the check point of railway connection “Mohyliv-Podilskyi-Voltchynets”.

French passport presented by the passenger of the train “Moscow-Chisinau” attracted attention of the border detail at once. While visual examining the document it was established that the facial features of its bearer were sufficiently different from the image on the photo. In addition, the height indicated in the document did not also correspond to the reality. In the course of the further investigation other essential forgeries were noticed.

Subsequently, the “Frenchman” with African appearance named himself as the citizen of Congo. According to his words, in order to get to Moldova and from there through EU countries to Great Britain he used his brother’s passport. The violator assured the law enforcement agents that he started to such a many-kilometers-voyage for the sake of love as his girlfriend lived in far foggy Albion. The “lime” Frenchman is detained until his personality will be established.
