Discussions were hold on the bill as to improvement of regulations of court protection of the foreigners and stateless persons


On November 7, the working meeting took place, the goal of which was discussion of the Bill of Law on introduction of changes to some legislation deeds of Ukraine (concerning the improvement of the regulations of the court protection of the foreigners and stateless persons). The meeting was organized by Regional representation of UNHCR in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine at the participation of the Higher Administrative Court of Ukraine, Administration of State Border Service of Ukraine, and Committee of Supreme Council of Ukraine on issues of rule of law and justice. In the course of the meeting the specified bill was discussed as well as the proposals to its improvement. It was decided that Committee of SCU on issues of rule of law and justice will prepare the final reduction of the bill taking into account comments and considerations expressed during the debates.

SMS of Ukraine was presented in the meeting by the chief specialist of Department of foreigners’ identification, voluntary return and readmission, Danylyuk V.O.

Source: http://dmsu.gov.ua/novyny/novyny-dms-ukrainy/1905-provedeno-obgovorennya-zakonoproektu-shchodo-udoskonalennya-polozhen-sudovogo-zakhistu-inozemtsiv-ta-osib-bez-gromadyanstva