Russians active participants of Euro Maidan also apply to Polish government with applications on refugee status granting


Russians supporting Ukrainian people during Euro Maidan are forced to address to the authority of Poland with request to grant them refugee status due to fears of persecution.

59-year-old citizen of Russian Federation addressed to the border guards of Mostytskyi Detachment, Lviv oblast, with request to let him pass the state border of Ukraine to Republic of Poland. He informed that he was Tatar himself, but he was native of the Republic of Tatarstan. During the last 7 years he had been residing on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, he had to leave his home, wife and children because of political persecution. He also actively participated in the events at Maidan, by his personal example he witnessed the solidarity of not indifferent citizens of Russia to the fate of Ukrainian population. However, in result of occupation of the Crimea, he left without new home and because of fear of revenge, he decided to ask asylum in Poland.

After coordination of formalities with Polish colleagues, border guards performed the pass of the citizen through the state border within the specified order by legislation.
