Ukrainians massively move abroad. According to official data, within the years of independence of Ukraine about 2,7 million citizens have departed abroad. Besides, now it is dangerous to stay in the country, thus many look for the happiness abroad.
However, the actual migration losses are in 1, 7 times more than those being fixed by the official statistics.
It was reported by the chief scientific employee of National Institute of Strategic Investigations Elena Malinovskaya during the conference in the frames of the project “Efficient management by labor migration and its qualification aspects”.
“According to data of our official statistics 2,7 million persons moved from the country in the course of the years of independence, about 2 million of which depart to CIS countries and more than 700 thousand to other countries of the world. However, the population census conducted in 2001 showed that the actual migration losses were in 1,7 times more in comparison with fixed official statistics”, – Malinovskaya marked. According to her words, economic instability stays the foremost reason of Ukrainians’ migration.
It is unnecessary to talk about the reasons of Ukrainians’ emigration, only correlation of average wages can be represented. In 2010 the average wage in Ukraine comprised 4% of average wage in Germany, 6% – in Italy, 7% – in Spain, 20% – in Poland and Russia. There is no need to comment on this point.
Flee from Ukraine
The number of migrants from Ukraine has reached 6 million persons or the seventh part of the present population of former Soviet Republic. The corresponding data was published by International Organization of Migration. The half of Ukrainian migrants is the youth in the age up to 35 years old. In particular, the outflow is caused by the students move to Czech Republic, Canada, USA, Poland, Lithuania, Britain, Latvia.
Opinion poll of Kyiv Center “Sofia” testifies that the half of young residents of Ukraine in the age of 18 to 29 is ready to emigrate.
The average wage in Ukraine is about $370 being in the number of the lowest at the post-Soviet territory saying nothing of European countries, it was mentioned by Pavel Rozenko, ex-Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine. .
Ukrainians run from Ukraine abroad
Experts concern that pensioners, state workers and “dark alcoholic power” will remain in Ukraine. “My source is Ministry of Foreign Affairs: in the course of the last six months Ukraine was left by the same number as in the course of four years before. The exact numbers are marked “secret”, but the problem was under discussion at the higher level. The reaction of the President became the emergency meeting with law enforcement officials: Prosecutor general, the chief of Tax Service, the chief of MOI, the chief of SSU were ordered to exclude the export of money abroad. And people let go”, – it was written by journalist of “Ukrainian truth” Konstantin Usov at his page in Facebook. These several sentences cause vivid discussion. In the context of cost optimization – it is a super scheme. I have read somewhere that only 500 thousand persons are necessary in order export enterprises work and alike servicing the personal needs of oligarchies. And it seems being more secure for our authorities to deliver them from abroad. A foreigner, working on a rotational basis does not presume on pension and cannot participate in voting, is an ideal worker”, – it is written by active user of social network.
Someone is afraid that borders will be closed meanwhile.
According to data of State Committee of Statistics, 19 773 Ukrainians crossed the border in 2011. Only 90 thousand moved abroad “on business”. Half a million were as tourists. The rest (more than 17 million) had chosen the option of “private trip”. Russian Federation (border of Ukraine was crossed more than five and a half million times), Moldova (more than two millions), Hungary (1 million 700 thousand) and Belarus (a million and the half) became the leaders in the number of visits. Traditional “shelter” of migrants is USA being visited last year by 21,5 thousand Ukrainians, Canada – 5,5 thousand, Italy, where people often go to work, a little more than – 130 thousand, Portugal – 12,5 thousand. 21 415 296 foreign citizens entered Ukraine in 2011 – a million and a half more in comparison with those departed Ukrainians. Russians – more than 9 million, from Moldova – 4 million, from Belarus – 2,6 million, Polish citizens – 1,7 million, Israelis – 1,2 million.
According to statistics, Ukraine is in the ten of the world countries, which are the leaders on migration. Due to different calculations, 6,6 million Ukrainians moved abroad for permanent residence in the course of 20 years of independence. “Vacant” places were filled in by the migrants– about 5 million. As to the report of World Bank “Migration and Money Transfers”, Ukrainians massively went to Russia, Poland, USA, Kazakhstan, Israel, Germany, Moldova, Italy, Belarus and Spain in 2011. In 2010 migrants transferred to Ukraine about 5,3 billion. However, people from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan arrived to Ukraine. In general, the tendency is the following: currency is received in Ukraine in 25 times more than left causing to sufficient exchange inflation. In case if the employees take their relatives to the places of their work there will be no necessity to allocate investment support of national economy. Authorities are not interested namely in this.
“100 students studied on course, and more than 30 moved abroad in the search of better life, – it was said by the graduate of one of Lviv universities. – They fled to USA using the program Work & Travel. Others – have been the guests in their relatives already the fourth year, even not gaining the bachelor degree. The visa for students was opened without any problems. Americans think logically – if the person has paid for the studies in the course of three years, so he will not risk. He will return to get the diploma”.
“The government provides the reports about the indexes of the employment of the population exceeding the European ones. The level of unemployment in Ukraine comprises 8%, in European zone is 10,3%. And this employment does not fulfill the main task – a person does not feel himself to be protected, he cannot feed his family on earned money. The majority of people being employed are poor. Thus, negative migration tendencies are observed – Ukrainians do not see any perspectives, they cannot realize their potential. Trade market is open. There is no obstacles for departure, if the employee is highly qualified, educated, knows several foreign languages. Namely these persons move. It is easier to immigrate to USA, Canada and other English-speaking countries: Germany, the Netherlands, Holland, Denmark. There are a lot of acting programs stimulating the inflow of the specialist of definite jobs. Opportunities have appeared to emigrate legally to Poland and Czech Republic. Their youth goes to the West, in particular to Great Britain, thus, these countries have to attract foreign specialists, specifically doctors, – it is said by the manger of the company Job West Anastasiya Belova. A great deal of people call us, who are interested in departure abroad. Emigration is a durable and costly process. You need to collect many documents, make the translations, certify them, plus means for the resettlement. Often people go to work to some country and stay there. 70% of our clients moved to work and return already with the invitations. Then, they get residence permission. Above all things, the residents of the western oblasts leave as well as from the center of Ukraine. The east is not so active”.
In the mean time …
This year, the record number of Ukrainians – 853 thousand will participate in the lottery Green Card. Only the citizens of Nigeria (1,36 million application) and Ghana (854 thousand) wish more to go to America are.