In the course of the last day, 9066 persons entered Russian federation from Ukraine, and 12226 persons came from Russia to Ukraine. It is said in the message of the press-service of Rostov region.
«Sufficient number of the Ukrainian residents arriving now to Rostov region does not stay here for a long time. Mostly, they buy food and means of the first needs in border towns and villages and again return to the south-eastern areas of Ukraine, where the truce has been established», — Vadim Artmeov commented the situation, deputy governor Rostov region. .
According to data of Department of Prevention and Liquidation of Emergency Situations of Rostov region, there were 160 residents of Ukraine being sent for the last day to other areas of Russian Federation, including 42 children.
Temporary Accommodation Centers “Donetsk” and “Novoshahtynsk are closed, there are 169 persons in TAC “Matveev Kuragan”.
Altogether, there are 53 039 Ukrainian residents settled in Rostov region. 51 455 citizens of Ukraine stay at their relatives and friends.