Moldavian with two Ukrainians intended to get to Slovakia: decided to force their way through


9708-9-807Two citizens of Ukraine and one from Republic of Moldova were apprehended by the border guards of Chop Detachment.

Moldavian was detained in the area of BS “Uzhgorod” during the joint patrolling of Ukrainian-Slovakian border in the distance of 300 m before the border line.

The border guards followed in the tracks of two Ukrainians not far from the village of Velykyi Bereznyi, who intended to escape to Slovakia. Local inhabitants reported about the unfamiliar persons to the border guards.

Seeing the pursuers, the violators intended to run and only the warning shot up stopped them.

Surprisingly, all detainees had document and confessed in their intention to leave the territory of Ukraine beyond the check point.


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