Border guards of Lviv Detachment apprehend two citizens of Iran intending to get abroad in illegal way


thumb_news_20151012_102025_1444634425Border detail of BS “Pavlovychi”, Lviv region, nearby the line of the state border, detained two citizens of Iran intending to cross the state border in illegal way. The men, using the night time, planned to cross the border unnoticeably. However, they were quickly detained by law enforcement agents.

The violators had a set of stuff typical for potential migrants, namely camouflage jackets, shoulder pieces, sleeping bags, high footwear, changeable clothes, means of personal hygiene.

So far, it is established that citizens of Iran have already been called to administrative responsibility for attempt to cross the state border. Administrative protocol are issued for the detainees, their further destiny will be defined by the Court.


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