Poland is ready to accept all refugees


Neapol, W³ochy, 04.06.2016. Prezydent RP Andrzej Duda (L) i córka pisarza Marta Herling (P) rozmawiaj¹ z dziennikarzami podczas wizyty w Palazzo Filomarino w Neapolu, 4 bm. (mr) PAP/Pawe³ Supernak

The President of Poland Andjay Duda declared that his country is ready to accept all refugees wishing to stay in Poland.

“If someone desires to come to our country due to the hazardous circumstances forcing to leave the country, if his/her life is threatened with danger, I convince you that he/she will be accepted”, – Duda said. He also marked that Polish authority is against accepting refugees forcedly in connection with migration quotas.

“In this case we would have to hold them here by force. We are not going to imprison free and innocent people. After all, this issue concerns the principal civil rights, which Europe shall be obliged to respect”, – the head of Poland stated.

Source: http://www.ua-reporter.com/novosti/198362