Three illegal migrants were apprehended at Ukrainian-Slovakian border in Transcarpathia


During the last days the border guards of Chop Detachment hindered three illegal migrants to cross the state border. Thus, in the course of patrolling within the area of BD “Knyagynya” close to the line of state border an unknown person of Negroid race was noticed moving towards Slovakia. Reaction group stopped to the place immediately and detained a citizen of Cameroon 10 m before the border. The foreigner was delivered to Border Guard Department and after identification persons involved in this case will be called to administrative responsibility.

In the evening of the same day the border guards of BD “Novoselytsya” detained two more citizens of Georgia, who were looking for better destiny and attempted to get to Slovakia in illegal way. Information about the movement of unfamiliar persons in the border area was provided by the local resident. Detainees were delivered to Border Subdivision for circumstances clarification and bringing to administrative responsibility in accordance with the Part 2 Article 204-1 of Administrative Infringement Code “Violation or attempt to cross the state border of Ukraine”.
