State Border Guard Service of Ukraine keeps taking measures on counteraction to illegal migration at the state border. In particular, a special attention is paid to the fight against illegal migration. In the frames of operation conduct “Border-2015” in the area of the village Nyznie Vorota (Transcarpathian region) the officers of Mobile Border Post of Mukachevo Detachment together with the MOI staff detected 4 citizens of Iraq traveling towards the border line during the car examination. By received information they are the students of one of Ternopil Universities. Also, in the area of BS “Vilok” border guards of the same detachment detained Syrian citizen who intended to cross the border in illegal way.
Besides, in the area of the village Rava-Ruska, Lviv region, border guards were informed beforehand from the local inhabitant regarding persons attempting to cross the line of the state border. Thus, during the examination of the regular bus “Lvov-Devyatyr” border guards detected two citizens of Turkey in the course of the interview they were unable to explain their aim of stay in this region.
In total, since the beginning of operation “Border-2015” the border guards interacting the other local authorities detected 483 illegal migrants, of them 41 children.