Author Archives: frank

Turkish teacher with forged passport was apprehended in the airport “Boryspil”


During the check in for the flight from Istanbul officers from State Border Service detained 45-year-old man who was trying to cross the border using forged special passport of the citizen of Turkey. According to the words of trespasser, he is a teacher and has a right to get such kind of document in his country. Unwillingness to stay in the queue for the passport prompted him to address for help to “benefactors” who for $500 helped him to get a document, which was forged. At the present moment the person is detained in order to identify his personality.


International Amnesty: Ukrainian border guards beat up 14 refugees (refreshed)


Regional representation of UNO on refugees issues on the territory of Ukraine, Belarus and Moldavia (UNHCR) and organization Amnesty International confirm the fact of beating and other breaches of the rights as to one and a half dozen of Afghani refugees asking asylum in Ukraine.

It was announced by Maksym Butkevych, the press-secretary of UNHCR in Ukraine. According to information of Amnesty International, refugees whose lives being in danger in their motherland were beaten by the officers of border forces.

As to the words of M. Butkevych, Afghani refugees are attempted to be deported now from the country because of violation of the standards of Ukrainian and International right.

“It is a clear prove of the fact that system of asylum assignment in Ukraine does not work. Today it concerns these 14 Afghani refugees, tomorrow it will touch someone else”, – UNHCR representative reports.

Before, on June 22, 2010, International organization Amnesty International called Ukraine to create active system of asylum assignment and start fair procedure on execution of refugee status. Human rights activists asserted that Kyiv does not fulfil international agreements in this sphere.


Press Release of State Border Service of Ukraine concerning the expel of 14 citizens of Afghanistan


In accordance with publications in Mass Media about “14 Afghani refugees asking for asylum in Ukraine were beaten by the officers of border forces of the country”, besides statement of press-secretary of regional office of UNO on refugees’ issues on the territory of Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova (UNHCR) in Ukraine Maksym Butkevych, State Border Service of Ukraine states the following.

According to decision of District Administrative Court of Transcarpathian Region, SBS organized forced expel of the group of  Afghanis, who were detained in September 2010 in the area of Chop Border Detachments (Ukrainian-Slovakian area of state border), for delinquency foreseen by Article 204-1 of Administrative Code of Ukraine (illegal cross or attempt on illegal cross of the state border).

These citizens (14 persons) do not have refugee status. They did not apply to Bodies of SBS as well as to Border Security of Slovakia (seven of them were detained by Slovakian border guards as to information of SBSU) with an application to provide them with this status.

During their stay at TAC of MOI “Zhuravychi”, where illegal migrants were transferred to in accordance with present legislation, 10 of them addressed to Migration Service in Volyn region with applications on getting refugee status during February 2011, however they received reject which was not appealed against.

Accordingly to present legislation of Ukraine after receiving the results of identification and certificates on return from the Embassy of Afghanistan in Ukraine a forced expel was organized of this group of Afghanistan citizens through the check point “Boryspil”. However, during deportation, as a result law infringement took place foreseen by Article 185-10 of CUAD (Code of Ukraine on Administrative Delinquency) “Intentional disobedience to lawful order or demand of serviceman or officer of SBSU or a member of public unit of Public Order and State Border Protection”. In the frames of the present legislation, officers of SBSU applied exhaustive measures including forced influence concerning the order establishment.


Criminals and minors run through Ukrainian-Slovakian border…


Border policemen of Slovakian Republic arrested six foreigners – illegal migrants at Slovakian-Ukrainian border last weekend. There were minors among the detainees.

On March 13, at about 2 a.m. policemen of Border Police Department in Sobrantce district detained two citizens of Somalia at the bus stop.

“In connection with the fact that persons were under age, they were handed to workers of Bureau of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in Mykhailovtce. The boys will be put to orphanage” – reported press-secretary of Border Police Department in Sobrantce, Agnessa Kopernytska.

She also informed about four citizens of Moldova who were arrested by policemen 100 m before the state border the same day at 11 a.m. in the area of Vyshne Nemetcke. Two men and a woman were returned to Ukraine, Uzhgorod in accordance with Readmission Agreement.

The fourth citizen of Moldova was taken into custody at police because he was issued European arrest warrant. The foreigner will be extradited to Austria as to the place of crime perpetration. Thus, he crossed our border not for the first time…


Four illegal migrants from Moldova were apprehended at Ukrainian-Slovakian border


Four illegal migrants – citizens of Moldova were detained at Ukrainian – Slovakian border. The officers of Border Service “Uzhgorod” of Chop Detachment learnt about appearance of the breakers after the alarm system went off. Ukrainian law enforcement agents sent a detail after the illegal migrants and coordinated their work with Slovakian colleagues. Moldavians succeeded to cross the line of Ukrainian state border behind which they were met by Slovakian border guards. Three detainees were handed over to Ukrainian side. One more violator stayed beyond the border; however staying in European Union he hardly would feel happy. Moldavian will be passed to law enforcement agents of Austria where he made a crime before and now is under the search.


Transcarpathia: less student-foreigners are caught at border who wish to get to EU illegally


The number of students being potential illegal migrants to EU countries has decreased in western Ukraine. Such are the results of operation “Student” which is yearly carried out jointly byBorder Service and MOI.

This year studying at institutions of higher education in Lviv, Chernivtsi and Transcarpathian regions was not started by 12% of foreign students that entered Ukraine on this purpose.The head of press-service of State Border Service of western region Volodymyr Sheremet in the interview taken by Deutsche Welle reported that this percentage was in two times higher last year. The border guards suppose that such kind of decrease happened due to strength of control on check in and departure of students.

Institutions of higher education of Ukraine legislatively are not obliged to meet at the border persons arriving in the frames of international student exchange. If universities are accountable for the invitation of the foreigners for the studying so the number of wishing to get illegally to EU through Ukraine would be less. According to the words of Sheremet, out of thousand invitations issued by Western Ukrainian institutions for this studying year almost a half was received by young people from the countries of migration risk. Potential migrants are not stopped before the advance payment for the year of study.

At the same time during the last six months the number of students crossing the border illegally has reduced. More often students from the east of the country and Kyiv region try to cross the border on EU countries. Egypt, Pakistan, India, Tunisia stay the countries of migration risk, but there are already no students from China and Vietnams among trespassers, however particularly Chinese students who are among the biggest group of students studying in Ukraine. Expenditures on forced banishment of the trespasser reaching thousands dollars is partially compensated by institution of higher education and on condition that this student was registered.

A little difficult is situation with students who were expelled and they did not leave the country. Such statistics, for example, has worsened in Chernivtsi region where 16 students did not go out of the country – border guards report. In general, in the frames of operation “Student” 20 institutions of Lviv, Transcarpathia and Chernivtsi were checked.


The citizens of Ukraine were arrested in Hungary for “smuggling” Moldavians


Three citizens of Ukraine being engaged in smuggling people and illegal transportation 6 persons from Ukraine to Hungary were arrested by Hungarian police nearby the border cross “Barabash”.  The smugglers took six citizens of Moldova (five men and a woman) by two cars to the territory of Hungary having forged passports of six citizens of Moldova. According to information of official representative of Hungarian police Gergey Fjulep, three Ukrainians are arrested being accused in smuggling people and forgery of passports. Investigation has started against two of them also as a result of the fact that earlier they were forbidden to enter and stay on the territory of Hungary.


Chechen illegal migrant was apprehended in Uzhgorod


Illegal migration do not have no any threatening scales in Transcarpathia as it was some years ago, however the number of persons is sufficient willing to get to cherished European Union through our area.

There are quite a number of immigrants from Chechnya among illegal migrants. The other day policemen detained a man in Uzhgorod who named himself Kazbek. As it was established, this 36-year-old immigrant from Chechnya having no any documents was intending to cross Ukrainian – Slovakian border. Police handed over detained illegal migrant to border guards. At the present moment, those person helping Chechen to get to Transcarpathia are under the search.


NGOs: Ukrainians should not be afraid of migrants


A discussion took place in Uzhgorod about how Ukrainians should get out of stereotypes concerning illegal migrants. There were representatives of member-organizations of Refugee Council in the meeting.

Ukrainian Refugee Council was found in 2008. Nowadays, 12 NGOs are in composition of it taking care of social, medical, psychological and legal problems of refugees. The asylum seekers are supplied with food and medicines, legal advice is given, and human rights keeping are observed. Besides, benefactors make efforts in order to help Ukrainians to get rid of prejudice against migrants. For this purpose they promised to make more open access to TACs and TDCs for these places not looking like mysterious reservations. Local residents, as experts say, sometimes are frightened by “difference” of migrants and even distinction in the colour of the skin.

Open-door days

According to the words of Hannusi Tarkaniy, coordinator of Uzhgorod press-club, already the nearest time open-door days will take place for journalists and every person willing to have a visit to Temporary Accommodation Centres in Mukachevo and Chop. Besides, participators of forum reported about the start of the project “From interaction to partnership: intensification of potential of Ukrainian Refugee Council”. The goal of the project is to attract as many as possible charitable organizations and public.

Author: Natalya Zotova (source:


Transcarpathian residents participating in smuggling illegal migrants were sentenced to 4 and 3 years of imprisonment


Sentence of Perechyn District Court of Transcarpathian region came into force on the criminal case commenced by SSU concerning three citizens of Ukraine – members of organized criminal group who organized a channel of illegal transportation of foreigners from CIS to EU through the state border f Ukraine, – it was reported by  Transcarpathia online.

In November, 2010 officers of SSU apprehended a car driven by one of the member of the grouping nearby the town of Perechyn. There were four citizens of Palestine without identifying documents inside the car.

The same day workers of SSU detained other accomplices, residents of Uzhgorod, who were convicted before for perpetration of analogous crimes. The members of the grouping provided with transportation, residence, nourishing and direct delivery of the foreigners to border line and their smuggling through the state border.

By the decision of the court the malefactors were adjudged guilty in the crime foreseen by Part 2 Article 332 (illegal smuggling of persons through the state border of Ukraine) of Crime Code of Ukraine. Two participants were sentenced to 4 years of imprisonments, and their accomplice – to 3 years.
