“On August 8, agreement between Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and government of Russian Federation about readmission comes into force, which is officially informed by diplomatic note of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine”, – it was reported by the diplomats.
It will be recalled that Agreement between Russian and Ukrainian governments was signed on October 22, 2012. On June 5, 2013 it was ratified by Ukrainian Parliament, and in the end of June the law about ratification of this agreement was signed by the President Viktor Yanukovych.
As it known, the issue of readmission is important for Kyiv and Moscow in the context of dialogue on liberalization of visa regimen with European Union.
It was reported before that national deputies of Ukraine delayed consideration of anti-discrimination bill necessary for further visa liberalization with European Union.
We would remind that on July 1, Agreement on simplification of visa regimen between Ukraine and European Union became operative that had been ratified already on April 18 by the Council of Ministers of EU>