Die Zeit: New flows of refugees will pass through Transcarpathia


picThe journalist of major German publishing office Die Zeit Malte Henk has published a map in his Twitter, where it is shown how is the new flow of refugees is going to pass. The map was composed in Arab language. It says that now refugees will get to Germany and Poland through Transcarpathian and Lvov regions.

Hank approves that he published the picture of that being shown in the camp of Syrian refugees on the Greek island Kos. It has a new rote of the migrants now passing through Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine (Transcarpathia) and Poland.

It is an alternative route to Germany composed, probably, because Hungary – is central country in the previous course accepting different flows of refugees and constructing the fence at the border has sharply limited the possibility to reach its territory during the last week.

«Does Poland become a new Hungary?

Syrian refugees will pass through new route», — German journalist writes. Malte Henk cannot say that the map to be true or fake, but he assures that he has seen it in one of the group of Syrians.

The way from the Carpathians, including through Ukraine, is the longest than one from Albania to Italy or from Greece to Germany through Hungary, but the reaction of Hungarian government facing uncontrolled flow of refugees may become the reason of appearance of thousands of Syrians already on the territory of Transcarpathia in the course of several weeks.

Source: http://www.ua-reporter.com/novosti/178637