Author Archives: frank

Lack of language knowledge let down illegal migrant


Border guards detected illegal migrant whose orthography let him down. The first striking thing was incorrect – writing of the words in a foreigner’s forged passport.

The foreigner illegally settling in Ukraine was checking in for the flight from Odessa to Istanbul. During the check of documents, 39-year-old citizen of Turkey showed to officers of SBSU certificate on temporary stay in Ukraine. In the lines “citizenship, place of birth, country of departure” it was printed “Turkey” in bold type (it was written in incorrect Ukrainian language i.e. Russian word was written by Ukrainian letters). It aroused border guards’ suspicion at once. Soon other mistakes were found in the document. It was also established that a form did not correspond to a specified model, different printing type was used, and seal with a number was traced out of a used one. Forged document was confiscated. According to the decision of Odessa Border Detachment, the foreigner was forbidden to enter Ukraine for three years.


Parents presented Iranian a forged passport


     Illegal migrant from Iran posing as Belgian was detained in the airport of “Boryspil”. The violator arrived flying to Ukraine by transit flight “Tegeran-Moscow-Kyiv”. He showed the passport of the citizen of Belgium to the officers of SBSU (State Border Service of Ukraine) which was completely forged. After revealing, the traveler confessed that he was in reality 26-year-old citizen of Iran and as a proof he gave his real passport. The foreigner told that forged document was presented him by his parents. Iranian did not want to stay in Ukraine because he planned to get to Canada or one of the countries of European Union in order to get refugee status there. At the present moment, a detainee is at TDC, the measure of his amenability will be decided by the Court.


Police hassle merchants at Troyeshchyna market; racism, corruption seen


The biggest Kyiv street market, in the Troyeshchyna residential district, has lately been a dangerous place for entrepreneurs, with police detaining hundreds of workers with non-Slavic appearances.

According to those detained, they are packed on to buses, forced to spend the night in police stations without lawyers or cause, accused of minor violations with trumped-up evidence, shaken down for bribes and then let go.

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19 illegal migrants and three citizens of Transcarpathia were apprehended by Slovakian border guards


During one day Slovakian border police detained 19 illegal migrants nearby Ukrainian border. Three Ukrainians were also caught who were suspected in organization of smuggling the illegal migrants through Ukrainian-Slovakian border.

According to information of representative of Border Police, the most illegal migrants are the citizens of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Moldova and Somali.

Three citizens of Transcarpathia together with 8 under age Somalis and Afghanis were detained by Slovakian police in the forest near the village Prislop, Snynskyi district.

According to the words of representative of Slovakian Border Police, taking into account that Ukrainians are suspected in the crime connected with organization of illegal cross of the migrants through Ukrainian-Slovakian border, the case is inquired by National Subdivision on Fight against Illegal Migration.

In accordance with Slovakian-Ukrainian agreement about readmission of persons detained in Slovakia, illegal migrants are handed over to Ukrainian side.


Poltava region is attacked by illegal migrants


Every year Poltava region is visited by 3 to 5 thousand foreigners, about 60% among them are those arriving here on “private” affairs, 20% – students of local universities and more than 10% are tourists. However, there are not a few foreigners among guests attracted to Ukraine as to “transit corridor” on the way to Europe. Telling the truth, not everybody reaches the final point and they “settle” in Ukraine correspondingly without registration, place of residence, without right to work and with no money.

This year more than 160 illegal migrants were caught by law enforcement agents in Poltava region who unsuccessfully tried to “pass” Ukrainian legislation and to get accustomed to the ground of the region. Almost 15% illegal migrants among them addicting themselves to criminal activities as a single possible way, so to say, in order to “keep afloat” during their stay in the foreign land.

Since the beginning of the year 2010 – 58 cases were directed to district courts of Poltava region concerning the criminal activities committed by the foreigners. A good half of them are sordid crimes done by migrants from Transcaucasia, citizens of Russian Federation and Belorussia. Thus, in particular, this year district courts has considered criminal cases like 20 thefts, 17 swindles, 2 robberies and brigandish attacks.

5% out of general number of unlawful actions committed by the foreigners comprise violent crimes, besides: sexual crimes, hooliganism and fights. Fortunately, these cases are less, however according to its character of harmful consequences for life and health of suffered persons they rather often predominate over the total number. Two Russians and one Belorussian are called to criminal responsibility for violation of the traffic safety rules with lethal outcomes.

It is rather difficult to counteract illegal migration, all the more organized criminality that creates conditions to smuggling cheap manpower through the state border.  However, at the same time with problem of detection and clampdown of illegal channels of “migration”, Bodies of Interior are troubled with another thing less serious – frank defiance by individual foreigners during their stay in Ukraine, legal rights and interests of Ukrainian citizens as well as including those foreigners who swerve from the control of Migration Service.  

Creating adequate conditions for safe stay of foreigners on the territory of the state, law enforcement agents, in their turn, demand from foreign “guests” respect the Law of Ukraine and have respectful attitude to rights and interests of Ukrainian citizens. It should be realized that guaranteed by Constitution “equality before the Law” (independently on the race and colour of skin) is not limited exceptionally by realization of rights, but requests absolute implementation of rights before the state as well as society. 


A group of Somali “pirates” attacked the border in Transcarpathia


Border patrol of BS “Velykyi Bereznyi” detected five persons at the very border line of Ukrainian-Slovakian border who were moving towards Slovakia. The violators were detained without any problems. After apprehension detainees reported that they were the citizens of Somalia. The detainees did not have any documents. The foreigners were delivered to Chop TDC. There they will undergo filtration-checking measures.


Five Chechens were apprehended in the regular bus “Lvov-Uzhgorod”


In Transcarpathia the border guards of Chop Detachment detained Chechen family intending to cross Ukrainian-Slovakian border in the bus depot of the Uzhgorod in the frames of implementation of operative and preventive activities “Foreigner”.

At about 12 o’clock at night border detail from border mobile post “Chop” together with administrative-operative group of BS “Uzhgorod” during the check of documents apprehended five citizens of Russian federation (Chechnya), two of then showed internal passports and two presented migration cards to the city of Dnepropetrovsk.

As it became known later, 42-year-old citizen of Chechnya together with her two sons of the age 6-17 years old and two adult men, one of them was her nephew, came to Transcarpathia aiming at crossing the border.

These persons were apprehended and prosecuted according to Article 204-1 of Code of Ukraine about administrative delinquency “Illegal cross or intention to cross illegally the state border of Ukraine”.

At the present moment, the detainees are in TDC of Chop Border Detachment for establishing the circumstances of delinquency.


Moldavians and a Georgian did not reach the border


Transcarpathian continues to attract illegal migrants from different countries by its borders on Europe

During the realization of joint programme in Perechyn district, policemen together with border guards detained three illegal migrants (women) who named themselves as citizens of Moldova.

The detainees did not have any documents. On the street of the very Perechyn a citizen of Georgia was apprehended who also did not have any documents giving him rights to stay on the territory of Ukraine. Detained illegal migrants were handed over to department of Border Service. Those persons assisting the migrants are now under search.


A search was conducted in the office of Vinnytsya Human Rights Group and the flat of its chief as well


 On Friday in the frames of the criminal case investigation on the fact of pornography spread through the blog of “Live magazine” police conducted a search in the office of Vinnytsya Human Rights Group (VHRG), and also in the flat of its chief Dmitriy Groisman. On May 2, he put up a video in his blog where people similar to a leader of forbidden in Russia Bolshevist Party Eduard Lemonov, writer Viktor Shedorovych and leader of the Movement against illegal migration Aleksandr Belov are having sex with unfamiliar girl. The search was conducted according to the decision of Lenin Court of Vinnytsya where it was indicated that a criminal case was commenced as to Part 2 Article 301 of Crime Code (“import, production, spread and sale of pornographic items”), foreseeing a punishment on imprisonment up to five years.

The chief of VHRG regards the actions of policemen illegal: “It is said about permission to conduct the search of my flat in the court decision, but police also searched the office of Vinnytsya Human Rights Group.” According to the words of Mr. Groisman, police confiscated all computers, 319 paper files with personal cases of refugees, and all financial documentation of VHRG as well. “We have complicated relations with local police because we help people who suffered from tortures. Initiators of the search confiscated the videos testifying humiliation of local DDI (District Department of Interior) and tried us to discredit with the help of accusation for the spread of pornography”, – Dmytriy Groisman declared.

“Mr. Groisman wrote a letter to Minister of Interior A. Mogilev where he asked to sort out the situation and handed it over to his member of Social Council attached to MOI Eduard Bagirov. In the near future the head of MOI will consider this appeal”, – the head of department of Public Affairs of MOI D. Andreev informed.


Five “illegal migrants” were forcedly deported from Kirovograd region in October – November


Five foreigners were expelled from Ukraine according to the court decision in involuntary order during October – November 2010.

In the course of October – November 2010 on the territory of Kirovograd region policemen carried out regular preventive training as to illegal migration counteraction and operation “Migrant” to participation of which the officers of Internal Security troops of MOI of Ukraine were involved.

During realization of planned actions, there were 6 thousand examinations of object of possible stay of illegal migrants including more than 3,5 thousand private addresses and also more than 2 thousand checks of transport means and passenger trains. Hotels, hostels, tourist organizations, markets and railways stations of the region were not left unconsidered. A series of actions were also applied as to strengthening control for the stay regimen and prevention of delinquency on the part of foreign students studying in Ukraine. There were correspondingly checks of educational establishments and verifications as to the number of invited persons for studying, directed foreign citizens, those foreigners that study at local higher educational establishments at the present moment, and foreign students that were expelled on various reasons.

Generally, in the course of programme realization, policemen detected and documented 265 breakings of law about legal status of the foreigners, namely – 194 administrative protocols were compiled as to foreign citizens and persons without citizenship on breaking the established rules on stay in Ukraine. 72 persons of Ukraine were called to administrative responsibility that were rendering services and assisted in illegal stay of the foreigners in the country.  

Besides, a term on stay in the country was shortened to seven foreigners, 28 illegal migrants were established according to which a decision was made about exclusion from the country, including 5 foreigners according the court injunction were expelled from Ukraine in a forced order.
