Author Archives: frank

Woman with a child from Somalia was detained at Uzhgorod railway station


Border guards of BS “Uzhgorod” detected three illegal migrants just in one day. In the frames of operative-prevention measures on counteraction of illegal migration the district inspector of Border Service together with policemen detained one citizen of Georgia without documents. The man was in a controlled border area without documents identifying him and confirming the legality of his stay on the territory of Ukraine.

The same day another border detail of the same BS together with workers of AMOI apprehended a citizen of Somalia with under age child at the railway station. The woman had only a document on appeal to the court, the term of which expired in July of the current year, i.e. this person by her actions violated the order of PKMU № 1074 dated from 29.05.1995.

The citizen of Georgia and citizen of Somalia were detained in accordance with Item 1 Article 203 of CCU, namely inobservance of determined order of stay on the territory of Ukraine by foreign citizens.


Information about Temporary Holding Facility for refugees in Odessa

Temporary Holding Facility for refugees started its activity in 2001. The capacity of the centre was 45-50 persons. In 2004, after building of the second corpus, THF can accept 200 persons.

THF is equipped by systems of heating, electric and water supply with independent gas heating and electric substations. There are housing rooms, kitchens for independent preparation of food, showers and toilets, first aid station in the sleeping corpus. There is a hall for cultural-mass actions and festivities, computer room, children’s room, fitness hall, room for Ukrainian language learning, psychologists’ room on the ground floor.

The principal task of the centre is to accept and temporarily place for the period of not more than six months, during the case consideration of persons who applied for refugee status granting, concerning whom a decision is made to issue document for problem solution as to refugee status granting and those who are granted refugee status in Ukraine in order determined by legislation.

Since the moment of the Centre’s existence in Odessa until present time more than 300 persons from 37 countries of the world lived there (Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkin-Faso, Burundi, Ghana, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Iran, India, Cameroon, Congo, Korea, Liberia, Mauritania, Mali, Macedonia, Madagascar, Nigeria, UAE, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Chad, etc.).

Refugees and asylum seekers receive in THF a complex of housing and social services; first medical aid and help with medicines in case of sickness, foodstuff.

There are also legal, psychological, pedagogic and vocational guidance consultations. Thus, recently the fair of vacancies took place there with the assistance of Odessa Municipal Employment Agency, various activities as to adaptation of children and adults in Ukraine are held. In accordance to agreement with National University named after Mechnikov students of the university organized classes on Ukrainian language learning for children, refugees and asylum seekers. 9 refugee children and asylum seekers went to school on September 1, 2011.

As to 01.09.2011 there are 155 persons from 21 countries living in the centre. (adults – 116, children up to 15 years old – 39, men – 93, women 23, persons having refugee status – 14, those having no refugee status 102).
The majority of residents are asylum seekers from Afghanistan – 49,
Congo – 26, Guinea-Conakry – 18, Sudan – 15, Kyrgyzstan – 13.
Nowadays, THF is an independent legal entity and is subordinated to State Migration Service of Ukraine. The financing of the expenses on maintenance is carried out for costs of State Budget of Ukraine.

Children residing in THF go to secondary school located nearby. Since 2001 21 babies were born in THF.


Border guards prevented the escape of convicted Somali


Border guards of Chop Detachment prevented the escape of the citizens of Somalia who intended to avoid punishment after court sentence. The illegal migrant was detained on August 12, 2011 nearby the border in the suburb of the village Kamynytsya in Transcarpathia. The judge of Transcarpathian District Court announced a sentence to 19-year-old citizen of Somalia in a form of imprisonment for the term of 12 months and when the term of imprisonment comes to an end the refugee will be compulsory expelled from the territory of Ukraine. During the transportation of detainee from the courtroom to detention centre of Chop Detachment the Somali was trying to escape. When the convoyed car was stopped he pushed off the border guard and kicking the door intended to jump out of the car. However, his attempt was stopped at once by a staff of convoy. Documents were prepared as to the very citizen on calling him to administrative account in accordance with Article 185-10 of Code of Ukraine on Administrative Infringements (Intentional disobedience to legal order or requirement of the serviceman or the worker of State Border Service of Ukraine).




Citizens of Vietnam departed to motherland due to creative cooperation of SMS with IOM


State Migration Service of Ukraine together with Representation of International Organization of Migration assisted in voluntary return to a citizen of Socialistic Republic of Vietnam  to his motherland. On September 5, 2011 the staff of SMS of Ukraine at the support of IOM in  Ukraine  accompanied  4  citizens  of  Vietnam   to  international  airport “Boryspil” and provided them with opportunity to return to motherland voluntary and worthily keeping the right and freedoms and in accordance with European standards.

Mentioned foreigners were detained before on the territory of Ukraine for violation of the rules on stay in Ukraine and then were directed to Temporary Holding Facility (THF) in Volyn region. During the detention, these persons were provided with corresponding condition of residence, medical services, nourishment, opportunity to realize their rights and freedoms in accordance with established legislation.

Thus, in a result of communication with representatives of  PO “Volyn perspectives” being under aegis of IOM render legal aid to detainees. The indicated foreigners expressed their wish to return to the country of origin in the frames of the programme on voluntary return. In connection with this IOM in cooperation of Embassy of Socialistic Republic of Vietnam in Ukraine provided foreigners with travelling documents and bought air tickets to the country of origin.

As it is known, representation of IOM  in Ukraine assists in safe return of migrants in the frames of Programme on voluntary return implemented in the frames of the project financed by EU and Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine: assistance in rendering aid as to voluntary return and reintegration (SIREADA)”.


An attempt was prevented as to sale of two foreign women by their fellow citizens into slavery


In the end of August the workers of Administration on Fight with Cybercrime and Trafficking of HAMOI of Ukraine in Odessa region detained a citizen of Cameroon during his attempt to sell his countrywoman into sexual slavery, whom he estimated in $ 2,000.
The detainee, born in 1984, arrived to Ukraine legally in the end of 2009 according to national passport and student visa, then he applied for refugee status. However, by the corresponding decision, he was refused to be granted such a status.
Concerning the detainee a legal proceeding was instituted proceedings in accordance with the signs of crime under Part 2 of Art. 149 of Criminal Code of Ukraine (human trafficking or other illegal transaction, the object of which is man), which foresees punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of five to twelve years.
One of the women born in 1977, was registered at Administration of Migration Service in Odessa region at THF and she was in the procedure of her application submission for granting refugee status. Another woman was a student of the Poltava Agrarian Academy.


Border guards apprehended three citizens of Somalia who illegally arrived to Ukraine


Three citizens of Somalia crossing illegally the state border were apprehended by the border guards of BS “Krasnodon”. Carrying out monitoring of the border, border detail noticed unknown persons who were moving from Russia. Crossing the state border they took the car stopped nearby and started towards the Ukrainian village Severnyi. On demand of the border guards to stop, the driver of the car did not react and continued his way. In the suburb of the village Bilenke the vehicle was stopped by the law enforcement agents. There were 3 citizens of Somalia and a driver – citizen of Ukraine inside the car. According to previous data, 18-year-old immigrants from African country intended in future to get to one of Western European countries. At the present moment checking measures are taken concerning the detainees.


Slovakian police arrested a large band of smugglers


According to information of the official representative of the president of Slovakian police Denis Baloga, a group of four smugglers – organizers of illegal cross through the state border were arrested in the result of operation “Voshod”. National subdivision on fight against illegal migration of Slovakia disclosed a group of smugglers who organized illegal cross of migrants from Ukraine to Slovakia and other countries of EU. 48 policemen and 12 service dogs took part in operation “Voshod”. It was established that smugglers had accomplices also in Ukraine who starting from January 2011 organized a cross of migrants through “green border” to the territory of Slovakia more than once. Transcarpathian smugglers handed over illegal migrants to Slovakian smugglers in the districts of Humenne and Snyna, who in their turn provided with transport through the mountain ridge, shelter and controlled further transportation from Slovakia to other countries of EU. Only in July seven Somali illegal migrants were smuggled in such a way from Ukraine to Slovakia. The organized grouping of smugglers received €5400 for arranged illegal deal. The smugglers are threatened with imprisonment for the term from 7 to 10 years.


Transcarpathian region maintains the lead in detention of illegal migrants


The violators were going by car, which was stopped by law enforcement agents nearby the border of Transcarpathia. They did not have any documents. During the interview and realization of checking activities it was established that they crossed Ukrainian-Moldavian border beyond the check point. At night border detail of BS “Delovoe” of Mukachevo Detachment apprehended three illegal migrants from Moldova who illegally arrived to the territory of Ukraine. The migrants planned to get to Uzhgorod and then to get illegally to the countries of European Union. In order to realize their plans, illegal migrants colluded with Ukrainian citizen who had to take them over Ukrainian-Slovakian border. At the present moment illegal migrants and their accomplice are detained and testify to law enforcement agents.

It should be mentioned that this was not still the first case of detention of illegal migrants in Transcarpathia where Ukraine is neighbour to EU country –Slovakia….

…The problem of registration and identification of migrants should be solved by the bill № 8507 “About documents identifying personality and confirming the citizenship of Ukraine”. On the eve of parliament vocations 243 deputies voted for it in the first reading.

The present bill, the author of which is national deputy Valeriy Konovaljuk, foresees introduction of not only passports for travelling abroad with electronic carrier (chip) as well as such documents as migrant’s card, refugee’s certificate, certificate on permanent and temporary residence and permission for employment assistance.


Tourist from Moldova illegally arrived by car to Transcarpathia


When checking the car border detail of BS “Delovoe” established that three citizens of Moldova arrived to Ukraine illegally. When they were asked to present their document they had none of them. During the interview of these persons and carrying out checking activities it was established that they crossed Ukrainian-Moldavian border illegally beyond the check point and then they planned to get to Uzhgorod in order to move illegally to the countries of Western Europe. After arrival to the territory of Ukraine travellers bought a car Daewoo and started at once to Transcarpathia. Here they found a man who agreed to take them over the border for a certain reward. All above mentioned persons were detained. Now the measure on circumstances establishment are carried out.


Group of illegal migrants from Somalia successfully entered Slovakia from Transcarpathia


Illegal migrants fromSomaliawere detained inSlovakiawho entered the country by unusual way through Ukrainian-Slovakian border from Transcarpathia…

A car was stopped to be checked in the area of the village Snyna. There were seven persons – illegal migrants fromSomalia(five men and two women). They were transported by Slovakian “smugglers”.  The smugglers reported that migrants were handed over to them by Ukrainian ones. There they made agreement as to assist migrants in crossing Slovakian-Austrian border for a definite payment in order to get toItalyorGermanythen by the same way.  All illegal migrants were apprehended together with “smugglers”. At the present moment conditions of enteringterritoryofSlovakiafrom Transcarpathia are investigated.
