Temporary Holding Facility for refugees started its activity in 2001. The capacity of the centre was 45-50 persons. In 2004, after building of the second corpus, THF can accept 200 persons.
THF is equipped by systems of heating, electric and water supply with independent gas heating and electric substations. There are housing rooms, kitchens for independent preparation of food, showers and toilets, first aid station in the sleeping corpus. There is a hall for cultural-mass actions and festivities, computer room, children’s room, fitness hall, room for Ukrainian language learning, psychologists’ room on the ground floor.
The principal task of the centre is to accept and temporarily place for the period of not more than six months, during the case consideration of persons who applied for refugee status granting, concerning whom a decision is made to issue document for problem solution as to refugee status granting and those who are granted refugee status in Ukraine in order determined by legislation.
Since the moment of the Centre’s existence in Odessa until present time more than 300 persons from 37 countries of the world lived there (Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkin-Faso, Burundi, Ghana, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Iran, India, Cameroon, Congo, Korea, Liberia, Mauritania, Mali, Macedonia, Madagascar, Nigeria, UAE, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Chad, etc.).
Refugees and asylum seekers receive in THF a complex of housing and social services; first medical aid and help with medicines in case of sickness, foodstuff.
There are also legal, psychological, pedagogic and vocational guidance consultations. Thus, recently the fair of vacancies took place there with the assistance of Odessa Municipal Employment Agency, various activities as to adaptation of children and adults in Ukraine are held. In accordance to agreement with National University named after Mechnikov students of the university organized classes on Ukrainian language learning for children, refugees and asylum seekers. 9 refugee children and asylum seekers went to school on September 1, 2011.
As to 01.09.2011 there are 155 persons from 21 countries living in the centre. (adults – 116, children up to 15 years old – 39, men – 93, women 23, persons having refugee status – 14, those having no refugee status 102).
The majority of residents are asylum seekers from Afghanistan – 49,
Congo – 26, Guinea-Conakry – 18, Sudan – 15, Kyrgyzstan – 13.
Nowadays, THF is an independent legal entity and is subordinated to State Migration Service of Ukraine. The financing of the expenses on maintenance is carried out for costs of State Budget of Ukraine.
Children residing in THF go to secondary school located nearby. Since 2001 21 babies were born in THF.
Source: http://migraciya.com.ua/article-424