Author Archives: frank

SSU arrested a Transcarpathian who organized channel of illegal migration


Ex-border guard was caught, who sent Chechen family to kingdom come. Former guard of order left a woman with four children at the border. Three girls were frozen to death.

In the year 2008, this horror chilled story about Chechen illegal migrant, who lost her children during the cross of the border (13, 10 and 6 years old) flied around the world. 36-year-old Kasima Dzhabrailova with a two-year-old son on the hands was detained by Polish border guards. The woman told that she was rambling for some days and she left her three daughters in the mountains. Later on border guards coming to a mentioned place – nearby the border post – found the bodies of the girls who probably felt asleep soundly pressing themselves to each other. As experts established, the reason of their death was super cooling. The girls wore light clothes, and temperature in mountains in September felt up to 3 degrees above zero. Only Kasima succeeded to stay alive with her son. Polish authorities granted her even a refugee status and permitted her husband to come to the country legally, who stayed in Ukraine. SSU was engaged in the search of those persons who assisted woman to cross the Ukrainian border and very quickly they got on the tracks of organizer of the channel.

It was border guard transferred to the reserve in 2005. In 2007 he agreed to transport a woman with children through the border for $ 2700, who planned to get to Austria or Sweden through Slovakia, where her relatives lived. She was taken to the village Zhornava – the nearest place to Slovakian border. She was taken into a strange locality at night. The smugglers showed further directions and went.  The woman was rambling in the mountains for three days and on the fourth day she came to Polish border guards.

As soon as in the year 2008 a criminal case concerning the “guide” was commenced as to illegal transportation of persons abroad, he disappeared from Transcarpathia at once deserting his family. He was announced in search. Only some days ago he was found. It appeared that he lived in Kyiv at his relative’s during some years realizing the products at one Kyiv markets.

Detention of a man became a complete surprise for him. The officers of SSU handcuffed him at his house. This time ex-border guard does not run away – the court will hardly let him giving a written undertaking.


12 illegal migrants were detained in Ukraine during the day


In the area of BS “Novoselytsya” of Chop BD in the course of the search actions in the forest area a citizen of Afghanistan was apprehended. The trespasser did not have documents. At the present moment border guards carry out procedures on identification of the detainee’s personality. This week inspector of BS “Tysa” of the same detachment apprehended a citizen of Syria at Ukrainian-Hungarian border. The foreigners confessed that he intended to cross the border illegally. In the area of BS “Uzhgorod” two citizens of Georgia were caught. They tried to get illegally to Slovakia.

Besides, border guards of Ismaiil detachment detained 3 migrants from China in a controlled border region of the city of Ismaiil, who also did not have any documents. These detainees underwent filtration measures. The trespassers were caught in the frames of realization of information previously received and worked out in time.

Border guards of Mukachevo Detachment prevented the attempt to cross the state border of Ukraine by the group of illegal migrants. Two Ukrainians transported 5 men on two cars, citizens of Pakistan without any documents. According to the words of detainees they wanted to cross the border aiming at looking for the better destiny in the countries of European Union. Now foreigners are at detention centre, concerning Ukrainian citizens a question is examined as to making them responsible for criminal case.

By the way, due to planned work of State Border Service and other law enforcement agents this year in comparison with the previous year 2010 the number of detention decreased of citizens of South-eastern Asia in 35% at Ukrainian border.


A group of illegal migrants from Pakistan and their guides were detained in Transcarpathia


At night Mukachevo border guards stopped the attempt of illegal cross of the state border by a group of migrants from Pakistan. Five men of Asian appearance tried to get to Hungary due to two Ukrainians, who wanted to smuggle migrants abroad. Detainees did not have any documents identifying them. At the present moment detained foreigners are in the detention centre. A question is considered as to Ukrainians to institute criminal proceedings against them.


Supreme Council of Ukraine adopted a bill about refugees and persons requiring subsidiary or temporary protection


The law’s project (registration  № 7252) proposes to regulate: the order of application for protection in Ukraine; conditions according to which a person is not recognized as a refugee or person requiring auxiliary protection; order of documents preparation on issues of recognition as a refugee or person requiring auxiliary protection; order of making decision on these issues as well as order of appealing procedures for refugees status and subsidiary protection.

Document proposes also to establish prohibition on expel or forced return of a refugee or person requiring subsidiary or temporary protection to the countries where he/she is threatened with danger, prohibition of discrimination against these individuals and regulations as to promotion of the unity of their families.

 The bill contains regulation specifying the rights and obligations of the refugees and persons requiring subsidiary protection and proposals as to legislative regulation of the grounds and term of providing with temporary protection, rights and obligations of individuals who were granted temporary protection, grounds of stop and deprivation of temporary protection.


Two illegal migrants were apprehended at Ukrainian-Russian border


Two illegal migrants were apprehended by the border guards of Kharkiv Detachment at Ukrainian-Russian border. Border guards learned about possible cross of the border of Ukraine from SSU workers. Detention of the trespassers took place at direction between Ukrainian village Pletenivka and Russian one Schebekino with the help of the service dog. The violators were citizens of Tanzania of 43 and 27 years old. They arrived to our country in different years by student visa being invited by two Ukrainian universities. According to the words of detainees, they intended to get to Russia aiming to find good job as they had been working at Kharkiv market as handlers. Detained citizens were delivered to Border Service Department “Vovchansk” in order to undergo filtration measures. Protocols were drawn as to trespassers in accordance with Administrative Law Code (illegal cross or attempt to cross the state border of Ukraine). At the present moment citizens are kept in Border Service Department “Kozacha Lopan”.


Seven citizens of Afghanistan were apprehended in Uzhgorod


SAI inspectors stopped a regular bus (Vynohradiv-Uzhgorod) at one of the central streets of Uzhgorod at about 10 a.m., .in which there were seven citizens of Republic of Afghanistan.  When arresting they did not have any documents identifying their personality as well as did not have a right to stay on the territory of Ukraine legally.  There were four men, three women and two-year-old boy among the detainees.


Illegal migrants work on the fields of Ukraine


A criminal case is instituted against business owners who brought more 100 illegal migrants from Tajikistan were engaged in agricultural work. It was established in the course of investigation that directorship of one of the companies with limited responsibility delivered and placed 106 citizens of Republic of Tajikistan at land areas of Chernyanskyi Village Council, who arrived to check point of Simferopol.

According information taken from illegal migrants, they arrived to Ukraine for agricultural works aiming at having earnings. However, the directorship of the company did not receive any permission from Regional Employment Agency on employment of the foreigners.

Khahovskyi inter-district public prosecutor’s office instituted a criminal case by the facts of misuse of service state by the officials from indicated company foreseen by Part 1 Article 364 of Criminal Code of Ukraine. The business owners are threatened now with imprisonment for the term of six months, a Tadjiks are to be expelled from the country.

The group of experts from informative agency “Our Product” conducted unprecedented investigation of migration situation in Ukraine. Nowadays there are 5,1 to 6,8 million migrants staying on the territory of Ukraine having so-called “doubtful” status according to received result. Such a number of unrecorded citizens create sufficient social tension and their activity cause damage to budget in about $ 2 milliard.

As to opinion of national deputy of Ukraine Valeriy Konovaljuk, critical necessity is ripe to form weighed migration policy and create clear system of registration and identification of all arriving persons to Ukraine as well as those individuals who set out abroad for earnings. One of the “technical” migration problems is identification of migrants. The group of national deputies at the head of V.Konavaljuk elaborated a bill № 8507, where attention is paid to such documents as migrant’s map, identity card, etc.

In accordance with opinion of national deputy of Ukraine V. Hrytsak, biometric identification will help make order in calculation of migrants. Because illegal migrants are often issued paper documents, which are easy to forge and which are quickly become worn out.


Yanukovych approved Concept of state migration policy


President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych approved Concept of state migration policy. Corresponding order № 622/2011 was signed up on May 31, 2011 and published at the official website of government’s head.    

The concept defines directions, strategic tasks of state migration policy of Ukraine, principles and priorities of activity of state bodies in the field of migration, directions in improvement of its legislative and institutional supply as well as realization of the Concept. 

In accordance with the document, the strategic directions of state migration policy realization are:

Improvement of legislation as to interior and exterior labour migration of Ukrainian citizens, entrance of foreigners and persons without citizenship to Ukraine, exit from Ukraine and transit way through the territory as well as in the sphere of fight against illegal migration; introduction of mechanism of subsidiary and temporary protection of foreigners and persons without citizenship on legislative level; specification of quotas of immigration to Ukraine considering the current and perspective demographic situation and situation appeared at labour market.

Formation of conditions for citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and persons without citizenship that live or temporary stay on legal basis on the territory of Ukraine to freedom of movement, free choice of place of residence as well as free departure of the territory of Ukraine (except the limitation specified by the law); counteraction to racism, xenophobia and religious intolerance; formation of tolerate attitude of population to migrants;

Stimulation of migrants to rational territorial allocation considering social-economic and demographic situation in the regions;

 Strengthening of social and legal protection of Ukrainian citizens who work abroad by mans of activization of international cooperation, international agreements concluding that concern issues on protection of labour migrants’ rights; creation of favorable conditions for the crossing of state borders from Ukraine by labour migrants and their stay in the country of employment; creation of favorable conditions and mechanisms for the citizens of Ukraine to return back to Ukraine, who are permanent residents of other states aiming at decrease of emigration flows; counteraction to trafficking, protecting citizens of Ukraine abroad and also foreigners and persons without citizenship staying on the territory of Ukraine affected by trafficking.

Realization of this Concept foresees:

Improvement of legislation in the field of migration taking into account generally recognized principles and standards of international right including Ukraine’s accession, if necessary, to multilateral international agreements in the sphere of migrants’ rights protection;

Concluding bilateral international agreements on issues connected with protection of migrants’ rights; participation in international cooperation in order to take account of social, ethnic, religious and cultural peculiarities of migrants while providing them with medical services;

Software development and implementation of state and regional programs on issues of migration foreseeing actions on social-economic improvement of migration situation, etc. in them


The first meeting of National Managing Committee of project SIREADA was hold


On May 31, 2011 the first meeting of National Managing Committee SIREADA took place chaired by coordinator of the programme SVMM Mr. Steven Rodgers (IOM) directed upon the support of introduction of Agreements on Readmission between EU and Republic o Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine: assistance in aid rendering to voluntary return and reintegration.

On the part of Ukraine following persons participated in the meeting: director of Department of Refugees of State migration Service Nataliya Naumenko, representative of SDCIRPP MOI of Ukraine Mykola Shmorgun and Ivan Rybalko as well as representatives of State Border Service and Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

Realization of project SIREADA has been carried out by International Organization of Migration at the financial support of European Union since March 2011 until February 2013.

Ministry of Interior of Ukraine, State Border Service of Ukraine, State Migration Service were recognized as the beneficiaries of the project.

The principal components of project SIREADA have become: program of voluntary return; legal, social and medical aid for migrants kept at long/short-detentions centers for foreigners and persons without citizenship who stay illegally in Ukraine; potential strengthening in reintegration of citizens of Ukraine who return from the countries of EU undergoing any voluntary procedures or are returned from EU countries in order of readmission.

During the first meeting parties provided with general comments concerning the current state of implementation of Agreement between Ukraine and EU about the readmission of persons, situation in the detention centers, cooperation with NGOs involved in counseling the migrants and rendering social assistance.

 Proposals were expressed separately as to improvement of the cooperation among governmental structures, international and human rights organizations aiming at realization of the components of project SIREADA.


Case on right defence of foreign student Kennet Onozhet – the first victory. A case is won against DCIRPP MOI of Ukraine in Luhansk region


The first step in the case on fight for the rights of the foreign students.

On May 26, 2011 Donetsk Court of Appeal cancelled a court decision of the first instance. The decision of  Department of Citizenship, Immigration and Registration of Physical Person (DCIRPP) MOI of Ukraine in Luhansk region about the expel of Nigerian student, ban on entry the territory of Ukraine for the term of one year was recognized as illegal one. The court also accepted illegal actions conducted by the workers of DCIRPP on dactyloscopy of the student, which preceded the decision making on his expel and it obliged them to exclude the fingerprints of Kennet from the card index and to abolish them. However, the court did not satisfied request on compensation of moral and material lesion caused to Kennet because of illegal actions of DCIRPP.

This success is just the first step in the case on fight for the rights of the foreign students in general and especially in Kennet’s case. Project “No borders” will represent the student’s interests in the case against Luhansk State Medical University and will try to receive compensation from DCIRPP.

Short reference:

Kennet Onozhet – student from Nigeria has been studying at Luhansk State Medical University (LSMU) since 2007. In autumn 2010 workers of DCIRPP MOI in Luhansk region made illegal decision to expel from the territory of Ukraine in a compulsory way and ban the entry to Ukraine for the term of one year as a result of his unwillingness to pay bribes. After this Administration of LSMU informed him about his expulsion from university for some mythical “break of discipline”.
