Author Archives: frank

Border dog was able to stop two illegal migrants from Georgia

In the morning a man and a woman were detained in Transcarpathian region trying to get illegally to Slovakia. Electric alarm system went off on their movement and the nearest detail of detachment “Uzhgorod” rushed after them. The service dog Bessi helped law enforcement agents stop illegal migrants seeing which the travellers made up their mind to run. Detainees did not have documents; however they named themselves the citizens of Georgia being of the age 34 and 47, who arrived to Ukraine through the airport “Boryspil” on November 7. The violators confessed that they travelled without outside assistance. Now the identification measures are carried out.


Adventures of Pakistanis in Sumy finished by deportation

Adventures of Pakistanis in Sumy finished by deportation

The law enforcement agents deported from Ukraine students of Sumy State University – these were five Pakistanis. The young boys came to the country for studies; however they did not get to lessons. Six months they were living at their friends. It is unknown how would this story finish if policemen and board of the university did not intervene into this case.

It was morning. Policemen went to check student-violators at the place of their residence. The foreigners were surprised as they did not expect such an attention. Packed things meant that they were going somewhere. Five students from Pakistan were not interested in studies in Ukraine. However, entering the country they drew up papers for studies at Sumy State University, yet they did not come there and did not pay for studies as well. They did not aim at studying. They evaded registration by all means. They did not submit any passport data to Department of International Education. That is why direction of the university had to petition for compulsory return of the students to their motherland addressing to Bodies of Home Affairs.

The law enforcement agents suggest that during the last time the more often cases are when the citizens of the countries like Asia, Africa use Ukraine as peculiar channel in order to get to the countries of Eastern Europe. Many of them arrive here under the mask of students and in future use this status in their plans. The fortune of these false students has been solved by the court – in a day they will be sent to the country of their origin. Yearly, the increase in number of illegal migrants appearing influence on the growth of crimes and on spread of infection diseases as well which are not peculiar to our locality. More than 300 illegal migrants were detected in Sumy region in the course of this year, and about 50 of them had to be deported in a compulsory order.


Trip of Georgian migrants

10 illegal migrants from Georgia and two guides, who were engaged in transportation of the refugees through the Russian border, were detained at about 1 a.m. by the workers of department “Novoazovsk” of Donetsk Border Detachment. Having previous information about possible break nearby the village Kuznetsi, Donetsk region the border patrol had already been waiting for them. Man, four women and five children accompanied by two citizens of Mariupol were stealing to the border at night. After detention men were sent to border detachment, women and children are still under control in district hospital of Novoazovsk till case trial in the court. By the way, the older child is 8, and the youngest one is only one year old. For the present moment, it is established, that all citizens of Georgia arrived to Ukraine on legal basis through the airport “Boryspil” and then, according to their words, they intended to get to Chechnya. Such a detour they chose because they could not get to Russia legally having no visas.

During the last day the border guards detained 23 illegal migrants.


Transcarpathian border guards detained 6 illegal migrants

Four men were detained by the border guards in the area of Border Service “Kosyno” of Mukachevo Detachment in the suburb of the village Goronglab. The violators had a certificate indicating that these persons are under procedure of problems solving on refugee status granting. Now detainees are in the temporary accommodation centre of Mukachevo Border Detachment.

In the area of Border Service “Velykyi Bereznyi” of Chop Detachment two citizens from Georgia (immigrants from Chechnya) were caught. They intended to get to Western Europe in order to find a job. Ukrainians assisted them in their trip taking them to the border and showing the direction of their further way according to which they would get to Slovakia. As in a previous case, detained persons are in TAC of Chop Detachment.


Rivne region “closed doors” before 15 illegal migrants

Foreigners who are engaged in unlawful trade, do not have corresponding document on employment, violate the rules of traffic and are not in a hurry to be registered fall more often into line of vision of police of Rivne region. For some time past a “flow” of Georgian citizens is noticed who usually migrate from Russian Federation where more strict conditions started to act as to their stay at the territory. In the course of operation “Migrant” implementation in period form October 26 to November 4 such persons were not detected in this region. However, policemen had a chance to communicate with illegal migrants of other nationalities – 2 Uzbeks, 7 Russians, 6 – Byelorussians, 1 – Azerbaijanian and 1 Moldavian. 15 of them were expelled from the country, and 17 more were shortened the term of stay in Ukraine.  71 persons were called for violation of legislation on legal status of the foreigners to administrative responsibility, 49 foreigners – for the violation of the rules on stay in Ukraine and transit trip through the territory, 19 citizens of Ukraine who assisted in employment of the foreigners. A family from Uzbekistan had to leave. They came to Rivne illegally and settled in a rented flat. This family had business at local market selling industrial goods without corresponding permissions and licenses. Usually immigrants from Uzbekistan make their way to Ukraine with their “brand” things as it is in demand here. Considering this family, a husband and a wife ignored decisions made on their voluntary expel in November of the last year and prohibition on their entrance for six months. Now, according to the decision of District Administrative Court they were deported in compulsory order banned to cross the border of our state for the nearest five years.

Workers of Service of Citizenship, Immigration and Registration of Physical persons are helped in detection of illegal migrants and foreigner-violators by the bodies of local self-government and mean residents.


Two illegal migrants from Moldova were detained in Uzhgorod railway station

Two citizens of Moldova were stopped for documents checking at railway station of regional centre of Transcarpathia, Uzhgorod. The foreigners had migration cards to Odessa. Later, it was cleared out that they came to Transcarpathia aiming at crossing Slovakian border. At Mukachevo railway station neighboring to Uzhgorod border guards detained 3 citizens of South-western Asia. The foreigners arrived to Transcarpathia by train from Kyiv. Two men were citizens of Pakistan, one – from Sri Lanka. Having no documents the border guards started procedure on their identification.


Counteraction to illegal migration is activated in Luhansk region

People of more than of a hundred nationalities live in Luhansk to whom it becomes almost motherland. There were never conflicts based on interethnic ground there. Every year hundred of foreigners on different purposes come here: for studies, on business, with religious missions and on personal affairs. In all cases when their stay does not contradict present legislation of Ukraine there is no limit to affability and hospitality on the part of Luhansk residents.

However, among the citizens of other states coming to the region there are persons who violate the laws of the country, live in the region illegally and even contrive “to come into the spotlight” in different crimes. That was the reason of complex operative-preventive activity implemented under the conditional name “Migrant” carried out by the workers of Citizenship Service, Immigration and Registration of Physical Persons.

What priority tasks were put before them in the course of operation?

At its practical level, a check of citizens of other states and persons without citizenship were carried out. Besides, the law enforcement agents were interested in keeping the legislation about law status of foreigners in Ukraine by the guests from CIS and other foreign countries. Besides, the efforts were directed upon detection among the guests of Luhansk region persons who do not have legal basis on stay at the territory of our state. There were about 50 of them in the region. 40 of them will have to leave the region the territory of Ukraine in compulsory order and return to their motherlands. Finally, according to the results, 300 administrative protocols were issued on violation of migration legislation which foreseen by the penalties.

In the course of operation the policemen also checked the commercial structures where foreign labour force can be used. It is mainly said about different building enterprises and organizations. More than 20 000 units were checked, 14 000 flats where according to present information the foreigners live. Diligent monitoring was also made at 793 markets and 355 railway stations. During the operation, more than tens of crimes committed by the foreigners were solved and documented. Two channels of illegal migration of the foreigners to Ukraine were revealed. Three foreign persons were detained who crossed the Ukrainian border on foot in the area attached to the district in Donetsk region. According to previous information these “guest” had significant reasons to make their way at the very night, all details concerning this case are now under investigation.

Very good assistance was given by the border guards. Due to joint efforts of policemen and their colleagues from State Border Service in Luhansk region a very “doubtful” person was successfully detained being a foreigner. This fact made clear that person organized illegal transportation of two young residents of the region through the border. Now a criminal case is commenced against him. One more foreigner was also engaged in analogous business whom the law enforcement agents had to detain. Due to him two citizens of Georgia crossed the state border illegally.

Such complex activities are planned to be organized in future. HAMIA addresses to local people of Luhansk region to inform about facts of illegal living of foreigners in the region.


Lutsenko wants to transform again Transcarpathia into settling of illegal migrants

During his last visit to Transcarpathia, Minister of Internal affairs of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko complaining on the regional power that it does not give premises for bringing in additional number of interior troops said such a phrase: “We have a plan to get one of the military unit which is not used by Ministry of Defense in order to build camp for illegal migrants (meaning one in Transcarpathian region).

Taking into account that last year regional power finally achieved the closing of temporary accommodation centre for foreigners “Pavshyno” so such a statement of Minister alerted at once. Will a new temporary accommodation centre for illegal migrants be built in Transcarpathia?

Authorities of Transcarpathia do not hide disturbance, because these are not just the words – Yuriy Lutsenko undertakes concrete steps to make Transcarpathia again the settling of illegal migrants. In Kyiv, on the level of ministries – Internal Affairs and Defense – there are negotiations on transmission of military town nearby the village Dercen, Mukachevo district to make it temporary accommodation centre of illegal migrants. Thus, Transcarpathian Regional State Administration (RSA) is not informed about it and it is not asked about its opinion on this point.

At one time RSA occupied categorical position concerning the temporary accommodation centre “Pavshyno” – such an establishment can not be in the region because Transcarpathia borders on four countries of European Union. Disposition of temporary accommodation centre for illegal migrants only favours the increase of the migrants’ flow. After “Pavshyno” closing the number of attempts to cross the state border illegally decreased in the region, according to statistics  for the period of 9 months 2009 979 illegal migrants were detained on the territory of Chop and Mukachevo Border Detachments and comparing the analogous period of the last year – this number comprises 1990. It is about half less!

The region tried to obtain the closing of “Pavshyno” and finally in the year 2008 this great temporary accommodation centre in Ukraine was closed. Certainly, special units are left attached to Border Detachments where detained illegal migrants are temporarily kept. They are quite enough: illegal migrants stay here for 10 days and then they are sent to specialized establishment in Volyn and Chernihiv. Mow minister wants again to create a new temporary accommodation centre in Transcarpathia. There is a suggestion –  why it should be exactly in Dercen? In autumn 2001 Gennadiy Moskal being the chairman of Transcarpathian Regional State Administration had already made an attempt to create such a centre here. At that time he did not succeed to realize project because of sharp resistance of public. Now Transcarpathia obviously tends to make such a kind of “present” for the local residents together with the minister. They even had not an idea to reconstruct this military town for the flats for the military men and policemen. But the position of regional power is not changeable – it will not permit to build in the region a new temporary accommodation centre for illegal migrants. And in this sense it is supported by the local people of Transcarpathia.


Chechens were taken off the bus by Transcarpathian border guards

Border guards of Mukachevo Detachment at the check point “Delove” apprehended violators who travelled by bus “Kyiv-Tyachiv”. In a result of checking-filtration activities it was ascertained that these citizens got to Ukraine illegally from the territory of Russia. They also confessed that they intended to get to the countries of Western Europe.


Policemen from Cherkasy detect foreign violators

HAMIA of Ukraine in Cherkasy region carries out work on detection and liquidation of stable channels of illegal migration, on making responsible their organizers and persons who favour illegal migrants’ penetration to Ukraine and their transit movement along the territory of Ukraine.

The policemen detected on the territory of the region 30 trespassers who are the citizens of other states.

Three tradesmen from Azerbaijan were selling goods without corresponding document, one resident of Uzbekistan and one citizen of Armenia were working at the markets of the town Cherkasy. In the course of the check-up carried out by law enforcement agents, they started to behave themselves as if they wished to buy something. Then these dealers tried to hide in the crowd even leaving their goods without control. Later they were detained.

The policemen also made responsible 19-year-old girl from Azerbaijan for prostitution in the town of Cherkasy. A decision was made to expel her from the country.

In the town of Zolotonosha two citizens of Armenia, one citizen of Uzbekistan and also one resident of Belarus, one migrant from Russia were detained for illegal stay at the territory of Ukraine. In the town of Kaniv for similar breaking of the law administrative documents were compiled according to two citizens of Armenia.

The workers of Drabiv Department of SMVI apprehended one citizen of Russia who illegally stayed on the territory of Ukraine and administrative protocol was issued on that point.

Illegal migrant from Russia was caught in the town of Uman, and at one of the motor ways – illegal migrant from Azerbaijan.

For giving the foreigners the living place providing them with no registration on the territory of Ukraine in specified order the law enforcement agent issued a protocol against the citizen of the village Petropavlivka, Gorodysche district.
