Author Archives: oksana

The car with Kyiv driver was stopped with three undocumented foreigners inside


The staff f Patrol Police in Transcarpathian region stopped the car with the foreigners. These were three foreigners having no any documents permitting them to stay in Ukraine. The investigative-operative group of Volovets Police Department and experts of Counter crime Department, Head Department of National Police in Transcarpathian region immediately arrived to the place and established that the car was driven by 32-year-old citizen of Kyiv.  There were three men inside the car, aged 21, 32 and 36 having passports of the foreign state, however, none of them had the certificate for legal stay within the territory of Ukraine.

Kyiv resident explains that he had met the foreigners, who asked him to drive them to Mukachevo. The law enforcers established the way they got to Ukraine and the aim of their arrival to Transcarpathia. The previous legal qualification of the case is Part 1 Article 332 of crime Code of Ukraine, i.e. illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine.



Bloomberg has investigated what forces Ukrainians to labour migration

The American company Bloomberg conducted a study on the economic risks for Ukraine through labour migration to Poland, the Czech Republic and other European countries.

The study showed that Russian aggression in Donbass, constant devaluation and corruption has become the main reasons for the Ukrainians to seek work abroad, it written in the newspaper “Tyzhden”.

“Labour migration is one of the problems Ukraine faces today. It may become a serious risk for economic growth and price stability in the coming years”, – said the Deputy head of the National Bank of Ukraine Dmytro Sologub.

In particular, Ukraine has helped to overcome labor shortages from Prague to Warsaw after the movement freedom through the European Union and “luring” by higher wage made the citizens of these countries EN to move massively to a richer block.

“The foreign companies have no other choice. At first, they were looking for the employees with extensive experience and diplomas. Now, they hire everyone and spend a month training, if necessary”, – said the Ukrainian businessman Roman Pelekh, who recently opened its ninth  recruitment office being started in 2013.

In turn, the attractiveness for Ukrainian workers is understandable, because their cash reward at home amounts to 7 100 UAH ($265) per month compared to 3500 zloty ($1046) in Poland.

The reason for migration is a protracted conflict with the Russian occupiers, devaluation and constant corruption.

“There are 1.5 million Ukrainians registered in Poland and maybe another half a million are unregistered. In turn, the Czech Republic plans to double the annual quota for workers from Ukraine”, – it is stated in the publication.

It is noted that, for example, 37-year-old telecommunication engineer Andrew Kozlowski used his Polish origin, which helped him to move in 2014 to the city Gdina (Poland).

“The time has come when the war began, the hryvnia has fallen – I have always wanted to work abroad. I’m far from big money, but here it takes one year to earn what I was earning during four years at home,” he said.

In addition, according to the data of International Organization for Migration, 12% Ukrainians found foreign employment or are goint to realize it. The long-term picture also causes concern: the UN sees decline of the population to 36.4 million from 44.2 million by 2050.


Eighteen illegal migrants edged through Lviv region to the countries of European Union


The staff of SBGS in Lviv region detained a group of illegal migrants. The “travelers”, women and children among them, were getting to the countries of European Union.   The border guards of BD “Smilnytsya”, Mostyskyi Detachment in due time learned about appearance of Asian appearance in the border area, who were moving towards the border. Reaction group started to the place immediately, and the border area was guarded by additional details. In addition, the border guards informed the neighboring subdivisions and colleagues from Poland. Soon, in the course of searching action, the border guards found 18 persons. The majority of the detainees had no any identifying documents. The border guards established that 16 illegal migrants were the citizens of Iraq and 2 were from Turkey. Besides, there were 4 women and 2 children among the detainees. Currently, the filtration measures are undertaken and all circumstances of their illegal trip are verified.


Russian woman with three children asked for the refugee status because of persecution in Russia on religious grounds


The RF citizen with 3 children asked for refugee status at the Ukrainian border.

During the border control in the checkpoint “Senkivka” the woman arrived with children, 2005, 2007 and 2009 years of birth, addressed to the border guards of the Chernigiv Detachment with a request to grant her the refugee status. The woman told that in Russia she had been persecuted for religious reasons.

The citizen of Russia was passed to the territory of Ukraine and the State Migration Service of Ukraine in Kiev region was informed about this case.


Border guards did not pass 5 citizens of Iraq in Kharkiv


During the control actions performed by the border guards of Kharkiv Detachment the citizens were unable to confirm the purpose of their trip to Ukraine.

Five citizens of Iraq arrived to the Kharkiv airport by the flight from Turkey. During the control actions performed by the border guards of Kharkiv Detachment the citizens were unable to confirm the purpose of their trip to Ukraine. Therefore, on the basis of the Article 8 Item 4 of the law of Ukraine “On border control” the foreigners, among whom there were four men and a woman, were rejected in crossing the border. Currently, they are going to be sent by a back flight.


Border guards of Ukraine and Moldova liquidated the smuggling channel


The channel of illegal transportation of persons through the state border from Ukraine to Moldova is exposed in a result of the staff interaction of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and Border police of the Republic of Moldova.

In the course of the joint actions it was established that the organizer of this channel was the citizen of Kyrgyzstan. In the course of 2016-2017 he organized and carried out illegal smuggling of migrants from Asia and Africa through the state border of Ukraine.

In August 2017 he was expelled from Ukraine, but soon he illegally came back and adjusted the illegal transportation human channel. So, among other things, the investigators had documented the trafficking two citizens of Morocco to Moldova.

Upon establishing the person and place of his stay by the help of the staff from operational units of the Southern Regional State Border Guards Service of Ukraine, the citizen was detained and called to administrative responsibility.

On May 24, he was, during the Representative Meeting of the Border Guards he was handed to the Moldavian Border Police in the check point “Palanka” in order to make him criminally responsible. Currently, he is under arrest.


Three Malaysia tried to get to Austria by foreign passports


The foreigners arrived from Qatar and walked for a flight to Vienna. However, due to the vigilance of the border guards they failed to get to Austria.

Three citizens of Malaysia attempted to get to Austria by someone’s documents. However, during the selective control of transit passengers from the countries at risk in the airport “Boryspol” the border guards of the  Separate checkpoint found that three people have the passports belonging to other persons.

The foreigners arrived from Qatar and walked for a flight to Vienna. However, due to the vigilance of the border guards they failed to get to Austria.

Currently, the violators are sent a by a back flight to Qatar.


Ukraine is ranked among Top-10 country-donors of migrants in the world. How many Ukrainians are there abroad?

According to the estimates the number of labor migrants from Ukraine reaches 4 mln persons, meanwhile about 2.6-2.7 mln persons can stay outside the country. It is reported by the Centre for Economic Strategies. The most powerful factor is economic, the Ukrainians seek higher payment for work. Currently, the migration flow bears a shuttle, short-term character: the majority of labor migrants earn money abroad and wish to get back to Ukraine.

“Indisputably, the Crimean annexation and deployment of military actions in Donbas have also affected the Ukrainians’ migration. These circumstances combined with the simplification of the legislation in the countries of the Eastern Europe, have changed the structure of migration flows. However, Russia is still one of the most popular migration flows. Since 2014 the migration flows has been changed from Russia to Poland. Generally, for the years 2014-2016 Ukrainians started to travel in the western direction by 42% more often, and the number of the migrants, who moved officially for earnings, has increased in three times.

It is mentioned that the most noticeable positive factor of Ukrainians’ external labor migration is that the most part of money earned abroad return to Ukraine. These funds support the rate of the national currency and finance the households.

The major negative factors are the labor market disbalancing, higher expectations of the workers regarding the salary size, possible deepening in wealth between the households, ineffective use of state costs for social protection.

“Ukraine shall develop efficient policy in the migration sphere in order to have an opportunity to make the consequences more under control. Policy development shall be based on the reliable statistic data. Thus, the top priority task of the country is to improve the data base on migration flows, which demands interagency and inter-regional coordination of efforts”, – it is summed up in the investigation.


Three illegal migrants from Africa were apprehended in Transcarpathia


The border guards of BD “Goronglab”, Mukachevo Detachment received information from Hungarian colleagues about appearance of unfamiliar persons near the border. In a result of searching actions three persons were detained – two citizens of Sudan and one from Somalia. The men aged 27, 28 and 37 walking to Ukrainian-Hungarian border were apprehended in the suburb of the village Shom. The illegal migrants had only certificates on application for protection in Ukraine.

During verification the border guards established that the detainees had resided lately in Uzhhorod, however they did not plan to stay in Ukraine and intended to get illegally to one of the countries of European Union. The foreigners were delivered to Border Department in order to draw up the protocols for administrative offence. The actions continue on establishment of possible circles of persons involved in organization of the migrants’ illegal trip. Their further destiny and evaluation of their actions will be determined by the court.


Two Iranians with forged passports were apprehended in the capital airport


The staff of the SBGS revealed the forged documents belonging to the foreigners in the International Airport Boryspil, when registering the passengers in the Separate check point “Kyiv”. They were two Iranians attempting to get to Dusseldorf. Their passports of the citizens of Spain were completely forged. So far, the foreigners are rejected in crossing the border of Ukraine and sent by a back flight.
