Author Archives: oksana

Kharkiv border guards detained the trespasser from Kyrgystan


The border guards of Kharkiv Border Detachment detained the citizen of Kyrgyzstan, 1986 YOB. He tried to cross the border from Ukraine to Russia in illegal way in the area of the populated area Veterynarne. The illegal cross was prevented due to information received in time from the district inspector of State Border Guard Service. Currently, the circumstances of the offence are established. The foreigner will respond for the offence in the form of administrative responsibility.


Illegal migrants from Vietnam were apprehended at Slovakian border


Eight citizens of Vietnam were apprehended in Transcarpathian region during their attempt to cross illegally the border on Slovakia. Receiving operative information about possible motion of the group of Asians, the staff of SBGS operative departments made an ambush nearby the state border. as a result, the border guards detected 6 men and 2 women walking towards the border close to the village of Velykyi Bereznyi. The detainees having no any documents introduced themselves as the citizens of Vietnam. Verification activities are continued establishing the circumstances of the offence and persons involved in smuggling migrants. Upon offenders’ identification they will be called to administrative responsibility under the Ukrainian legislation.


Moroccan with a fake French passport was returned back in Boryspil Airport


The staff of SBGS found a citizen of Morocco in the capital airport. The foreigner wanted to go to Ukraine by a false passport of a citizen of one of EU countries.

The Moroccan arrived to Boryspil by the flight from Istanbul. During the border control, he provided the passport of a citizen of France for control. However, the border guards established that the document contained the signs of partial forgery, such as the replacement of informational pages with constituent data.

Then, the border guards also found that the man purchased the French passport 3000€ and arriving to Ukraine he planned in a few days to fly to Italy.

The foreigner was refused in border crossing and banned to enter the territory of Ukraine for the period of 3 years. He was sent back by one of the flight.


Four illegal migrants from Turkey were detained at the border on Poland


The border guards of BD “Shehyni” prevented four foreigners to enter illegally the neighboring Poland.

The local resident informed the law enforcers about the movement of unknown persons near the border. After some time, the reaction group together with the district inspector of Border Guard Service detained four citizens of Turkey. The men 1973, 1992 and 1993 YOB were documented, except the woman.

All foreigners arrived to Ukraine legally. However, having no visas, they decided to cross the border outside border crossing points.

Currently, the Turkish citizens are detained in administrative order for verification activities. The cases will be forwarded to the court.

It will be recalled that the State Border Guard Service continues the joint special border operation “Border-2018”. During May the border guards of Mostyskyi Detachment has recorded the third attempt of border crossing by the citizens of Turkey.


“Travelers” from Turkey were detained in Lviv region


The border guards detained another “travelers” from Turkey at the border on Poland.

The attentive local residents informed about unknown persons, who were on the outskirts of the village of Shehyni. The villagers saw the strangers of non-Slavic appearance walking towards the border. Reaction group started to the place immediately and detained them 300 m before the border. The wanted citizens were from Turkey, being of 1969 and 1986 YOB. The border guards established that one of them lived in Ukraine for a while legally, and the second one came to Lviv the day before.

For attempt to cross illegally the state border of Ukraine, being committed by a group of persons, the men are brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine from five hundred to eight hundred untaxed minimum incomes of citizens or administrative arrest for a term of ten to fifteen days.


The organizers of illegal migration channel in order to get earned expose the unfortunate persons to unjustified risk


In the morning the border guards of BD “Salovka” of Chop Detachment in the course of the coordinated actions with the Hungarian colleagues prevented the movement of the group of illegal migrants.

Thus, at about 7 o’clock in the morning the border guards of Hungary informed through a common contact point “Záhony” about discovery of 10 illegal migrants, citizens of Afghanistan. In addition, it preliminary established that during the illegal movement across the state border 2 children from the group of 7 men and 3 women had fallen from the boat.

The border detail was Immediately sent to check the bank shallows. Hungarian MOE together with the Ukrainian border guards performs monitoring along the river Tysa. There were no any results after the search of the children. The joint search operation continues.

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine appeals to the local residents of the border areas requesting them not to assist the organizers of the illegal business and not to become the accomplices in the tragic events.


Illegal immigrant from Turkey was detained at the border on Hungary


The violator attempting to to illegally enter Hungary was detained last night by the border guards of BD “Horonhlab” of Mukachevo Detachment assisted by the employees of the operative division. While checking the available operational information, the soldiers detained 26-year-old foreigner without documents on the outskirts of the village of Shom. In the course of filtration activities the border guards found out that this had been not the first attempt of the foreigner to cross illegally the border. In April 2017, he tried to get illegally to Slovakia.

So far, the foreigner is taken to the Temporary Detention Facility. The Protocol on administrative infringement was prepared as to the offender under the Part 1 Article 204 -1 of AICU. The case was forwarded to the court.


Three citizens of Turkey had fake passports during border pass


During the past weekend the staff of the State Border Guard Service prevented the next attempt of illegal activity at the border. So, the law enforcement agents of Mostyskyi Detachment detained two foreigners in the checkpoint “Krakivets”, who were trying to impersonate others, using forged passports. It was managed to identify the violators due to the vigilance and experience of the border inspector registering the passengers from the regular bus traveling to Germany. The border guards’ attention was drawn by two Bulgarian passports of the men not beign distinguised from the rest of the tourists. In the course of the expert researches of the passport documents performed by the special equipment, the border guards found out that ID pages were replaced in the Bulgarian passports. This was noted by a number of specific features, although the “work” was done very skillfully. Subsequently, during the conversation the men admitted that they were the citizens of Turkey, 1996 and 1999 YOB, and showed their real passports. The foreigners were not passed across the border, and were detained for attempt to cross illegally the state border. Also, as they used forged documents the border guards informed the staff of the National police of Ukraine.

In addition, the border guards of the Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” at the checkpoint “Boryspil”, found the passport of one more Turkish citizen during the registration of the passengers from the flight “Kiev-Dusseldorf”, which contained the replaced page with constituent data.

The person was identified, the protocol was drawn up under the Article 204-1 of AICUA and submitted to the National Police, the case was sent to the court.


Four foreigner-offenders were detained by the border guards


Considering operative information, the border guards of Lutsk and Chop Departments detained two illegal immigrants nearby the state border. The citizens of Afghanistan and Kazakhstan intended to cross the state border of Ukraine outside the checkpoints. The regular bus “Kyiv – Hanover (Germany)” arrived last night at the checkpoint “Krakovets” at the border on Poland. At the time of passengers’ registration, the military staff of Mostyskyi Detachment found two citizens of Turkey, who presented forged passport documents of the citizens of Bulgaria for control.

The notification as to the foreigners was sent National Police about detection of the signs of criminal offense under the Article 358 of the Crime Code of Ukraine “Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms, their sale, use of forged documents”. The signs of border crossing were not detected.

The foreigners were taken to the border units to clarify the circumstances of the offense and draw up the administrative reports under the Part 1 Article 204-1 of the AICU.


Border guards discovered a fake passport of Finland belonging to Iranian in “Boryspil” Airport


The border guards of the Separate checkpoint “Kyiv” found a fake document at the international airport “Boryspil” by which the foreigner made his way to Germany.

During the border control the border guards discovered a citizen of Iran having false document. Iranian with a partially forged passport of the citizen of Finland tried to get into Munich. In order to get to Germany, the man paid 5 thousand euros to the dealers in Istanbul for the fake passport.

The citizen with the fake document was not passed and sent by the the return flight to the country of origin.
